Written Comm Writing Timeline

  • Learning to Read

    Learning to Read
    I was the first born, so my mom had plenty of time to teach me things growing up. She states that from about the age of 1 she labeled items and rooms around the house with name tags. Items such the couch, chair, and table and rooms such as bedroom and kitchen. Every time she would say the word, she would show it to me.
  • Worn, Used Book

    Worn, Used Book
    When I was about 2 1/2, I loved the book "Sleeping Beauty." My parents, my mom in particular, read it so many times that the binding on the book started to wear out and fall apart.
  • Kindergarten Drawing Prompt

    Kindergarten Drawing Prompt
    When I was in kindergarten, we were to write and/or draw when we were given certain prompts. This one was when we just came back from spring break in 1995. During my whole spring break, I had chicken pox. My spelling definitely needed work.
  • 5th Grade Spelling Test

    5th Grade Spelling Test
    Every Friday in 5th grade, we were given a spelling test on the words that we were given at the beginning of the week. I worked with my mom to learn the words every week. I, obviously, got better at my spelling from kindergarten.
  • 6th Grade Story

    6th Grade Story
    In 6th grade, we were made to write some type of story. I can't remember the specific type of writing, but I can tell you that I hated to write in cursive because it was very time consuming for me.
  • 6th Grade Poem

    6th Grade Poem
    In 6th grade, we did a poetry unit and we were asked to craft a poem. This is the poem I came up with. Again, writing in cursive. Looking back on it, I wish I could change a few things.
  • 8th Grade Poetry

    8th Grade Poetry
    In 8th grade, we also did a poetry unit. This unit involved a few types of poems: an ABC poem, personification, haikus, etc. This is one of the better written ones.
  • Harry Potter Wall of Articles

    Harry Potter Wall of Articles
    Sometime between 2003 and 2004, I became nearly obsessed with Harry Potter; the books and the movies. I had dedicated a whole wall above my dresser to articles in magazines or posters I obtained to even the movie tickets of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • 9th Grade Urban Legend

    9th Grade Urban Legend
    In 9th grade, we were prompted to write our own urban legend. Looking at and reading this story to its completion, makes me want to rewrite this with the knowledge I now have.
  • 9th Grade Romeo & Juilet

    9th Grade Romeo & Juilet
    In 9th grade, we read the classic: "Romeo & Juliet." We were asked to make a journal as the main character of the reading. If you were female, you would write as Juliet. If you were male, you would write as Romeo. In my journal entries, I wrote similar to how Shakespeare wrote.
  • 11th Grade Creative Writing

    11th Grade Creative Writing
    In 11th grade, I took creative writing because that was the time that I believed I was a fairly inventive writer and wanted to write creatively. This class was not exactly what I was looking for, but I did get some decent stories made.