30 day business planner - security

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    Beginning business

    Beginning business
    Planning what our business will be about, budgeting and getting a project, service or product to sell to the public.
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    Target Market

    Target Market
    Researching into what type of people we want to sell our product and services too and make it available to them.
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    Market research

    Market research
    Looking at what our target market buyers want, and who and what are they looking for in what we are selling.
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    Looking for ways our product can be advertised using social media and ways our target market will be able to view it. While researching best ways for advertisement it showed a lot of social media platforms. The best way to advertise is with social media because it helps with targeting customers, platforms like Facebook are good at getting ideal buyers.
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    Advertisement evaluation

    Advertisement evaluation
    Seeing how our advertisement went with getting profit and customers and how we can increase or adjust what we put out.
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    Coming up with a logo to draw costumers eye and make our product more stand out-ish to our target market.
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    Sales forecast

    Sales forecast
    Getting a Realistic number of our sales, we can do this by recording what we have sold and how we can predict future sales.
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    Giving the customers new services and product for their best suited needs and wants. Upgrading and being beneficial to our company and costumers.
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    Before we enter into officially selling the product and service we need funding, we can use sites and companies like. https://www.myob.com/au/blog/government-grants-startups-small-businesses/
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    Developing new ideas

    Developing new ideas
    Just a day of coming up with ideas to improve ourselves.
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    Finding a start up location for a proper set up to increase employees, employer and customers satisfaction.
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    Going to conventions

    Going to conventions
    Going out into the public eye to encourage and gain support, to intervene and let the public ask questions.
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    Competitor analyses

    Competitor analyses
    Getting research done on those that are competing against us and see where we can improve with this research. This research can help us by understanding what our target costumers are looking for, its also helps with what we can do to benefit the costumers and help us with what we can offer in product and services.
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    Expanding our products

    Expanding our products
    From the feed back and from our prototypes we can continue to improve with our company.
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    Promotional material

    Promotional material
    Designing new advertisements to increase profit and keep customers up to date with us and out policies.
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    Acquire someone with site making knowledge to design and make a website for our product and services. The website is where the costumers most likely will come first when looking at our product and will be able to see the businesses contacts. We'll need the website to represent our business and show all information and help centres.
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    Partnerships with other companies, products or services to help build a strong and beneficial business.
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    Website updates

    Website updates
    Keeping up to date to make the website informative and safe.
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    Update Logo

    Update Logo
    Give a new Logo style, having a fresh logo to the growing consumer market.
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    Informing customers

    Informing customers
    Let costumers know when things have changed or about their product. We can do this by sending notifications or emails to said costumers.
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    Adding insurance

    Adding insurance
    Making sure everything is kept under control and is protected so we have a back up.Being a small business we can be easily swept under the bus, and any potential mishaps that could happen by the hands of our company to a costumer can be sorted. It is also a relief to know if a fire for example happens the company will be protected.
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    Making our product and services affordable and adapting to changes in the market. Continuously checking and researching. With the the results from the sales we then can put that into statistics and then from there we can look at our costs.
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    Making sure the employees are well trained in copy with the technologies used in our product and are able to receive a well kept pay check. In a Security company we will need, electricians, people with a education in tech, sales persons. We can advertise positions for our company via Facebook and on our website.
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    Keeping up to date with the financials and making sure our budget isn't strained. Making up plans and back ups to strategies for unknown events that may take place. We can do this by recording our income, looking at what we need and how that gets into our savings, we then can make statistics around the evidence we collected.
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    Keeping everything documented so nothing is lost and make sure we are prepared for any mishaps in the future.
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    Self sustaining

    Self sustaining
    Becoming less reliant on funding and more budgeting from our sales.
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    Becoming self sustained

    Becoming self sustained
    Keeping our business up and running.
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    Formatting ways to prevent the sales to decline and keep the business open and running. Sales can also help with budgeting as it contributes to our business's market statistics.
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    Secondary research

    Secondary research
    Gathering data on how people have used previous products, these products could of came from our competitors and what their feed back is. We can also gather this info from newspaper and other medias from how the public felt about our services and product.