Writing Tools: Pencils, crayons, paper
Before school, I started learning to hold a pencil (usually with a tightly clenched fist), and started attempting to write letters and draw shapes. The basic tools I used were pencils and crayons as I was mostly learning the control in my hand rather than actually writing anything. Source: http://www.mommywithselectivememory.com/2011/12/how-to-improve-fine-motor-skills-in.html -
Writing tools: Both hands.
At Nursery, I began learning to construct letters and words, and learned to write my name. I used to write my first name with my left hand, and my last name with my right hand. The Nursery tested me and informed my parents that I was ambidextrous. I used both my hands as my tools – along with pencils and paper. Source: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1049138/images/o-TODDLER-TODO-LIST-facebook.jpg -
Writing Tool: Imagination
In early years of schooling, I was learning how to construct sentences and often used inventive ways of spelling words when I didn’t know how to spell them. The new writing tool used here is my imagination, to be able to create these words the way that I thought they may be spelled. Source: https://janiceheck.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/001-10.jpg -
Writing Tool: Word Space tools
At around age 8/year 3, I was using proper punctuation, capital letters at the beginning of sentences and learning the proper gaps to use between words. To learn about the gap in between words, I used a popsicle stick as my ‘space’ tool. I also got my pen license so started using pens! Source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XRrR-jLzNtE/VDTercaPtgI/AAAAAAAALf4/OvPzO5Rn8jg/s1600/handwriting%2Btool%2Bfor%2Bkids.jpg -
Writing Tool: Computers & Microsoft Word
When I was about 10 years old, I started creating all different sorts of writing pieces such as narrative stories, letters, essays. I started learning about paragraphs and structuring writing pieces. We began using computers to type up our work – a tool I’d used at home for games but it now became a tool for my writing. Source: http://www.centralpark.newham.sch.uk/learning/writing_examples/yr5-6-02.jpg -
Writing Tool: Real Life Events
When I was about 12, I created a journal of the family holiday we went on to Queensland. I was getting great at using descriptive words and creating more complex sentences for a more interesting read. I used real life events as my tool to create an interesting journal, and a memory for me to be able to look back on and read as I get older. I also used a compact notebook as my tool for my journal writing, as it was much easier to travel with. Source: My own work. -
Writing Tool: Mobile phones & Text messages
At this age, my family and I migrated to Australia. My parents bought me my first ever phone. I used this as my new tool for writing, I’d send text messages to my friends and family back in the UK, and even to new friends made in Australia. This was my very own electronic tool for writing. Source: https://www.thebitbag.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Motorola-Pink-RAZR.jpg -
Writing Tool: Facebook & Social Media
I started using social media as a tool for me to write about how I was feeling, what I was doing, or whatever I wanted to write really. This was the year I got Facebook, and it’s still a very common means of writing and communication for me. Source: My own work. -
Writing Tool: Photos
I started using Instagram so that I could post photos rather than writing words – still creating pieces of writing though. The photo was my tool to send a message of what I was doing, or where I was.
In 2012 I realised I had become more reliant on the internet as a tool – for both my social private life and my education. Source: My own work. -
Writing Tool: Smart phones
My whole world is basically at my fingertips. Getting an iPhone was just one huge writing tool. I kept notes using the Notes app, I sent messages via text messages as well as Facebook messenger, I’d emails using my phone to communicate with family and work colleagues, I wrote reminders in my calendar. There were so many pieces of writing created using this hand-held gadget. Source: https://www.imore.com/sites/imore.com/files/styles/w800h450crop/public/field/image/2015/08/history-iphone-5-hero -
Writing Tool: Laptop
The year I began Uni and purchased my own laptop. From this point on, the only hand-writing I did was for work where I’d write notes and fill in paperwork. All of my Uni work is on my laptop. I take all my notes electronically, I complete weekly learning tasks electronically, and I do my assignments electronically. I have become very dependant upon my laptop as a writing tool – and I believe this is the way the world is headed, technology-wise. -
Writing Tool: Back to basics - pen and paper
At the beginning of 2017, I obtained a job as a Youth Support Worker for the Department of Child Protection SA. This job required me to pick up some old tools on a daily basis – as we are required to log everything that happens with the children that we work with on a daily basis. Source: https://www.aasw.asn.au/sb_cache/sa/id/330/f/DCP%20SA%20logo.png