
writing and printing Haizene

  • Pluma

    It was invented on 1803.
    It was invented in England by Bryan Donkin.
    It wors by taking the pluma, then you take off the cap, after that you take it whit your dominant hand and gently press it between, your thumb and idex finger, then put it down, on the paper, finnaly apply just a little presure and start writting
  • Pencil

    It was inented on 1812.
    it was made by William Monroe.
    It works by taking the pencil, then you put in the paper, after that you press a little bit and finally you start writing
  • typewriter

    it was made on 1843
    it was made in England by Charles Grover Thurber.
    it works by turning the wheel until the appropriate letter was centered over the print position on the roller and then the key was depressed
  • Pen

    The pen was invented in 1938.
    It was invented in Argentina by Georg Biro.
    It works by grabing the pen, then, you put it next to the paper, afinally you press a lttle bit and you start writing.
  • computer/printer

    it was invented on 1981-1986 in Australia.
    it works by writing whatever you want then you conect printer to the computer and finnaly you hit the print button to print what you've write