Triple Aliances
The aliance between Germany Austria-Hungry, and Italy was formed -
Triple Entite
Te Aliance between France, Russia, and Brittan was formed -
Period: to
World War 1
The events of World War One -
Assanation Of ArchDuke Ferdinad
ArchDuke Franz Ferdinad was assinatied by a Serbian nationlist group -
Turkey Enterd the War
Turkey officaly enterd the war on the side of the Triple Alliance -
Zepplin Bommings
Zeppelin airships dropped bombs on Yarmouth. -
Battel Of Jutland
The only large scale naval battel of the war Between the German and brittish -
Air Raids
Germany excuted the first air raids on London. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia signed a armistice with Germany at Brest-Litovsk -
Allies recocer France and Belgium
The Allies recoverd the remainig teriorty in German occupied France and Belgium -
End of the War
A final armistice was signed at the Frenc town of Redonthes -
Period: to
Great Depressio
Banks faill
An average of 60o banks fail each year in the next ten years -
Labor Decline
Organized labor declines throughout the decade -
12,000 mergers take more then 6,000 previously privatley owend companies over the decade -
Productivity Raise
Indivual workers productivity raises above 40 percent from 1919 to 1920 -
The richest 1 percent will owe 40 percent of the nations debt -
Stock Market Crashes
The Stock Market crashes Marking the end of six years of US Growth -
High un-employment
3,2 Billion people are un-employed -
FDR Is Elected
Franklin Delnano Rosevelt is elected president over Herbert Hover -
Hitler Comes To Power
Hitler comes to power in Germany as Chancleor of Germany and secretlely builds up Germanys army -
Hitler allies himself with Benito Muslines Italy and Japan -
Unemployment Rises
Unemployment rises under FDRs New Deal -
Japan Invades China
Japan Invades China and starts World War 2 in the Pacific. -
Italy Invades Ablinia
Facist Italy Invades and anexxes Albania -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany invades Poland starting World War two in Euorpe -
Many new policys came about as a result of the Great Depression to make sure a depression on that scale never happens agin -
Bulguria Joins The Axis
Bulguria joins the German controled Axis Powers -
Pearl harbour
The US joined the second World War after Pearl Harbor was Bombed which helped stimulate the ecomney and create jobs -
Pearl Harbor
Japan sends bombers to Pearl Harbor to attack and bomb the US -
USSR Colapses
After the end of World War two the Soviet Union lead by Josef Stalin fell apart econmicly and socialy -
Cicly is conqured
The US and BrItten take and maintain control of Cicly after landing there -
Atomic Bomb
After the US droped Atomic Bombs on Japan it made the towns there illivble to this day