World War Two Timeline

  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    With help from Germany, Great Britain, the United States and Soviet Union, China fought Japan in an eight year long war. The war was based on Japan in need for resources and economic help. There had been three events before that, that sparked the war between the two countries. With the Chinese victory, Japan was devastated.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

  • Soviet Union and Germany sign an agreement dividing the Europe influence

    Soviet Union and Germany sign an agreement dividing the Europe influence
    Astounding forces were displayed against Finland by the Soviet Union. It was considered that there would be no fighting, but there were many casualties. Photographs were taken and put around Finland to reassure their resistance. Noting that Finland was the only one to repay the World War one debt, the United States gave Finland $10 million in credit. By that time the Finland resistance was finished and the Soviets had control over Karelian Isthmus bridge that they had wanted.
  • Europe invades Poland, Initiating World War Two

    Europe invades Poland, Initiating World War Two
    German strength invaded Poland from the North, West and South. Once Hitler had a secure forces, he started to portray his Nazi ideology. With their one million untrained and unequipped soldiers they made some severe mistakes early in the battle. The unprovoked battle initiated World War Two.
  • France and Great Britain declare war on Germany

    France and Great Britain declare war on Germany
    In acknowledgement to Germany’s attack on Poland, France and Britain declare war on Germany. Britain dropped anti-Nazi leaflets over Germany. Britain began to drop bombs on German ships and France attacked Germany’s western border.
  • Poland is invadied by the Soviet Union from the East

    Poland is invadied by the Soviet Union from the East
    With Germany already causing damage for Poland in the West, the Soviet Union began to occupy Poland from the East. A Pact signed in August erased any hope Poland had because in the pact it stated that USSR had the right to basically take a chunk out of Poland and claim it as their own. In as little as two weeks after September 17, Soviet troops met German troops and German’s gave their Polish POW’s and fell back. The Soviets wound up with around ⅗ of Poland and an estimate of 13 million Poles.
  • USSR invades Finalnd

    USSR invades Finalnd
    Astounding forces were displayed against Finland by the Soviet Union. It was considered that there would be no fighting, but there were many casualties. Photographs were taken and put around Finland to reassure their resistance. Noting that Finland was the only one to repay the World War one debt, the United States gave Finland $10 million in credit. By that time the Finland resistance was finished and the Soviets had control over Karelian Isthmus bridge that they had wanted.
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
    France lasted less than 6 weeks in this battle. Germany trapped French and Britain and advance to the coast. The Allies evacuate 300,000 German troops but unfortunately France is defeated. A new French government is established and promises cooperation with Germany.
  • Italy Enters the War

    Italy Enters the War
    The Allied powers planned to invade Italy and remove them from the war. There was a series of land battles and beach landings. Rattled by the force of the Allies attack, France fell very quickly just as the Allied powers had hoped.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese army surprised the United States with an attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. They used torpedo bombers and destructive bombers. The very next day the United States entered the war and president Roosevelt delivered the famous infamy speech to the US, assuring that we knew that we were bombed while establishing peace with Japan.
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    The day after we were abruptly bombed by Japan, pres Roosevelt promptly entered the US in the war to fight Japan.
  • Germany and its Axis declare war on the United States-

    Germany and its Axis declare war on the United States-
    The United States, which had remained neutral, was declared war upon Germany. Japan and Germany had an agreement to be in the war against the US, but Germany did not know how it would be begin. The bombing of Pearl Harbor even surprised Germany.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    A little after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese invaded the Philippines and captured American Filipino defenders and the capital of the Philippines, Manila. All of the Pow’s were rounded up and were forced to march around 65 miles. Many died from starvation, lack of water, shot when they stopped walking or exhaustion. The march resulted in very few survivors.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The German invasion of Russia was the biggest military operation in World War two. The war was unique and had at least 25 million Soviets casualties. Americans fought Germany with less resistance because of Hitler’s odd obsession with Russia. Alos, Germany lost because the war lasted too long, they were undersupplied and untrained.
  • Operation Overload

    Operation Overload
    Canadian, US and British forces landed on the beaches of Normandy and it was the beginning of the end of war. The invasion, which required extensive planning, and was one of the largest marine charge in history. The Allies were set to relieve the territories of France that had been overtaken by Germany and succeeded.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    At the horrendous cost of 81,000 American lives, the Battle of the Bulge was Hitler’s attempt to to take over the Belgium city Antwerp. German troops surprised American troops and that started the reckless battle of the war for the west.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    It was the second time in history that the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U.S president Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin would meet. The leaders agreed to insist Germany’s absolute surrender and to begin plans for an after war world. They conceded to split Germany into four occupied sections of land and to allow those zones free elections.
  • Truman Becomes President

    Truman Becomes President
    After president Roosevelt's sudden death, Harry Truman became the U.S president. He made the decision to continue with the Atomic bomb and helped rebuild Europe after the war.
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
    Around the countries Great Britain and the U.S, you would see several Europe flags and banners symbolizing the victory in Europe. They were celebrating the defeat of the Nazi War machine in Europe. The SS tried to bury clues as to their concentration camps and it resulted in them killing as many prisoners as they could.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U.S president Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin agreed to have Japan accept total surrender, abandon their military and have a peaceful government.
  • American Plane Drops Atomic bomb on HiroShima

    American Plane Drops Atomic bomb on HiroShima
    To end the abiding war between the U.S and Japan, the U.S took action and gave Japan a warning to surrender and leave. Japan did neither and the U.S bombed them with the most destructive bomb ever seen in history, the Atomic Bomb. It killed some 80,000 people instantly and was dropped on Japan’s military factories so the country could never enter another war.”Little Boy”.
  • American plane drops atomic on Nagasaki

    American plane drops atomic on Nagasaki
    Another bomb named “Fat boy” was dropped and was an even more destructive bomb crushing 2.6 miles of land and people. It was dropped because of Japan’s rejection to surrender when the first Atomic Bomb Little boy was dropped.
  • Japan surrenders ending World War Two

    Japan surrenders ending World War Two
    All the Japanese air and naval force were destroyed and its economy was devastated. A bloody attack occurred called the Hiroshima Attack and after that Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration, but did not accept unconditional surrender. USSR declared war on Japan and the second Atomic bomb was dropped. Only after that did Japan finally completely surrendered.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    It was a series of 13 trials held in Nuremberg, Germany for bringing Nazi war criminals to justice. They were charged for crimes against peace and humanity. Hitler, the Nazi leader, committed suicide and was never tried.