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World War Two Timeline

  • Invitation

    Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss
  • Declared War

    Honoring their guarantee of Poland’s borders, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • The Soviet Union invasion

    The Soviet Union invades Poland from the east.
  • An Enternce

    Italy enters the war. Italy invades southern France.
  • Battle of Britain Comes to an End

    July 10, 1940–October 31, 1940
    The air war known as the Battle of Britain ends in defeat for Nazi Germany.
  • Triple?

    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign an agreement that makes them allies.
  • Japaneses Invades Peal Harbor

    "a date which will live in infamy." is what President Franklin Roosevelt called December 7, 1941. Later that day the Japanese flew planes and attacked Pearl Harbor which is Hawaii Territory. 2,300 Americans were killed and many ships were sunken.
  • Ware Declared

    United States agrees to declare war on the Japaneses.
  • Another Invasion

    Japanese decide to invade the Philippines.
  • Germany Declares War...

    Nazi Germany and allies declare war on the United States.
  • Singapore Taken

    Japanese invades Singapore witch then lead to the fall of the British colonies.
  • Battle On the Java Sea

    This was a decisive naval battle of World War II. Allied navies lost to the Japanese Navy.
  • Island Hopping

    This was a military statergy invented by the Allies in the Pacific War against Japan and the Axis powers
  • New Britain Invaded

    The New Britain campaign was a World War II campaign by the Allies, which was invaded by Japan in the 1943's.
  • Saipan Invaded

    This was a battle of the Pacific campaign of World War II, fought on the island of Sampan in the Mariana Islands. Resulted in a harsh defeat by the United States.
  • Battle of The Philippine Sea

    A major naval battle of World War II that eliminated the Imperial Japanese Navy's, it took a while for them to recover. Resulted in a victory for the United States.
  • Leaving

    Soviet Union leaves the Axis partnership.
  • We Have Arrived

    US troops land in the Philippines.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    A series of battles fought in the Japanese on the island of Okinawa, and included the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific War during World War II, and lasted 82 days.
  • Easy Way Out

    Hitler commits suicide after defeat.
  • Surrender!!

    Germany surrenders to the Allies.
  • The End

    Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II.