
World War One

By ReynaL
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    Great MIgration

    Due to the continued practice of Jim Crow in the south, the number of African Americans living in Northern Cities increases by over 100% in many places.
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    Wilson's Presidency Term

    Woodrow Wilson held to terms in office, one defined mainly by his eventual push towards the US joining WW1.
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    Everyone Declares War on Everyone

    Due to a complicated string of treaties, alliances, and agreements of the European countries, Europe declares war on itself.
  • Archduke Ferdinand Assasinated

    Archduke Ferdinand Assasinated
    The first sparks of war are lit when Archduke Frans Ferdinand is killed in the Austrian-Hungarian territory of Sarajevo.
  • First Woman Elected to Congress

    Jeanette Rankin from Montana was sworn into the House of Representatives.
  • US Joins the War

    US Joins the War
    After events like the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram, the US enters World War One.
  • Selective Service Act

    The Allies in Europe were in desperate need of troops when the US joined WW1. After a poor response to his call for men to join the army, Woodrow Wilson passed the Selective Service Act, requiring all men between 21 and 30 to register for Military service.
  • Espionage Act

    This act was passed so that the government could punish anyone who spoke out or discouraged the war efforts or talked about the enemies winning.
  • Russian Revolution II

    Vladimir Lenin of the Bolshevik Party staged a coup on the current government of Russia.
  • No one expects the Spanish...Flu

    The Influenza Epidemic takes the US and the world by storm, killing more people than WW1.
  • Wilson's 14 Points

    President Woodrow Wilson listed, to congress, 14 strategies to help the world recover from the tragedy of WW1.
  • Sedition Act

    This act was passed after and in succession of the Espionage Act. It allowed the government to fine and/or jail anyone who spoke critically of the Government, the constitution, flag, “agitating against the production of the necessary war materials”, or defending anyone who performed any of these acts.
  • Schenck vs. US

    Charles T. Schenck, who was a socialist against the draft, encouraged people drafted to resist it. Under the Espionage Act, he was arrested and tried. Eventually, the case made its way up to the supreme court, where they ruled that the freedom of speech the Constitution grants could be rescinded if the words pose a real danger to the country.
    Lenin led a Russian Revolution
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    A British passenger ship carrying both civilians and ammunition headed towards Liverpool is destroyed by a German U-Boat.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    The Treaty of Versaille officially ends the war between European countries and Germany, pinning the blame for the war on the latter.
  • Legal Drinking Age is Never

    The 18th amendment goes into effect, banning all alcohol production and consumption. This ushers in an era known as Prohibition.
  • Women Get to Vote

    Congress ratifies the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote.
  • Insulin

    A young boy with diabetes becomes the first person to use insulin.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    After President Harding transferred control of Oil reserves from the Navy to the Secretary of the Interior, Albert Bacon Fall, Fall allowed the mammoth Oil Company and the Pan American Petroleum Company exclusive access some of the US’s oil reserves. Later it was found that Fall had been bribed by the companies.
  • USSR

    The USSR comes into existence.
  • King Tut

    Archaeologist Howard Carter opens the burial chamber/tomb of King Tutankhamen.
  • Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald was published.