The Triple Alliance
Formed in 1882 and lasting until 1914, the triple alliance was the alliance that formed by three neighboring countries, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, who soon switched sides at the start of World War I. -
The Triple Entente
The Triple Entente was formed between beligium, france, and the U.K. to protect against the percieved threat formed by the triple alliance, which was an understanding between germany, austria-hungary, and italy, that if any of them decided to attack france, they would support each other -
Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
Archduke of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, Franz Ferdinand was assasinated in Sarajevo by serbian, Gavrilo Princip. This is marked as the trigger for world war one because it forces the allies to back each other up. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Germany pushed austria-hungary to make a stand against Serbia and start the war -
Germany Declares War on France
Germany declared war on francce and russia within 2 days of each other with the intension of defeating france quickly and then going against russia. -
He kept US out of war
Woodrow Wilson based his re-election campaign on "He kept US out of war" reffering to the fact that he was too proud to fight, and stayed out of world war one for the first few years with his declaration of neutrality in 1914, which basically said that the U.S. would not take sides or support any side of the war more than the other, which didn't end up happening as the U.S. traded more with the allies than the central powers by millions of dollars. -
The Lusitania
The Lusitania was a british ship that had 128 americans on board that was sank by the germans in u-boats, there were 1200 passesngers on board along with munitions. After this we made Germany sign the sussex pledge, which eventually violated -
The easter Unprising
Occuring in Ireland in 1916 during easter week, many Irish republicans decided they wanted the british out of ireland and to have their own republic -
The Zimmerman Note
The zimmerman note was a telegram from germany to mexico that supposedly asked the mto keep america busy and out of the war in exchange for germany helping them to get certain southern states back from the U.S. The note was intercepted by the U.K. and delivered to the U.S. -
Espionage Act
The Espionage Act basically forbade any american citizen to participate in anything that supported enemy forces or interfered with the military draft, or encouraged insubordination in the military. -
Bolshevik Revolution
The Bolsheviks were a socialist party in Russia, who in the begginings of WWI rebelled against the Czar Nicholas and murdered his family, they took over russia and created a communist government instead of the royals, who Had been leading. This is significant because it caused them to pull out of the war as they re-organized their country. -
Wilson's 14 points
Woodrow Wilson gave a speech in a joint sessionj of congress, which adressed his 14 points on how the end of the war should be handled, for example, how germany should be checked, how the colonies should be divided up, and how another war should be avoided. These fourteen points influenced the later treaty of versailles which ended the war. -
Sedition Act
This act extended the espionage act and basically forbade, "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" or any language that could cause sontempt for the U.S. Gov't or the war, this was technically unconstitutional as it took away the freedom of speech. Citizens accused of this crime faced anywhere form 5 to 10 years in prison. -
Schenck v. United States
Schenck v. United States was a court battle where Schenck was accused of espionage for sending out leaflets telling soldeiers to avoid the draft, and he was arrested, he argued that the act was unconstitutional, which of course, was correct, but he lost and went to prison for 6 months. -
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty that ended the war, based loosley on wilson's 14 points, however most of the treaty involves reducing and checking germanies power, even though germany was not ultimately at fault