the beginning
The beginning date of the war. -
World War
Germany invaded Poland -
World War
On 17 September 1939, after signing a cease-fire with Japan, the Soviets invaded Poland from the east -
World War ll
Germany attaked Denmarkand Norway -
World War ll
British discontent over the Norwegain Campaign led to the replacement of the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, with Winston Churchill -
World War ll
More V2 rockets fell on Belgium than on the British Kingdom; the v2 rockets was part of Hitlers "Wunderwaffe" program of supper-weapons -
World War ll
The Battle of Britain was a fight between the Royal Air Force and the Luftwaffe -
Wolrd War ll
The battle of Britiain ended -
World War ll
British scored a significant victory by sinking the German battleship Bismarck -
World War ll
Paris fell to Germans and eight days later France surrendered and was soon divided into German and Italian occcupation zones, and an unoccupied rump state under the Vichy Regime, which, though officially neutral, was generally aligned with Germany -
World War ll
Germany, supported by italy and romania, invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa, with Gernany accusing the Soviets of plotting against them -
World War ll
The Gernan military employed over 3 million pack animals, mostly animals, during their their invasion of the USSR -
World War ll
The American counterpropsal required that Japan evacuate all of China without conditions and conclude non-aggression pacts with all Pacific powers. -
World War ll
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor -
World War ll
Hitler issued the directive to prepare for an invasion of Soviet Union -
World War ll
Italy surrendered -
World War ll
Germany troops finally surrendered to the Socviet -
World War
Germany attacked Soviet forces around the Kursk Bulge. -
World War ll
The Soviets launched their own counter-offensives, thereby dispelling any hopes of the German Army for victory or even stalemate in the east -
World War ll
The Soviets launched their own counter-offensives, thereby dispelling any hopes of the German Army for victory or even stalemate in the east -
World War ll
The Western Allies invaded the Italian mainland, following an Italian armistice with the Allies -
World War ll
Italy switched from axis to Allied -
World War ll
D-day -
World War ll
Approximately 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust by the end -
World War ll
Alllies celebrated V-D day -
World War ll
Japan offically surrendered aboard USS Missouri