World War ll Events

By T Hicks
  • Period: to


  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Hitler invades Poland and also ends up starting war with Britain and France Starting WWll on the European front.
  • Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania join the Axis

    Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania join the Axis and are helping the Axis power grow letting Hitler have more power.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks pearl harbor which is one of the causes that makes america want to attack Germany and join WWll.
  • US troops halt Japanese island-hopping

    US troops halt the Japanese from island-hopping advance towards Australia at Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands slowing down Japans race to claim as much land as they could.
  • Allied troops liberate Rome

    Within six weeks of liberating Rome Bombers could hit targets in eastern Germany for the first time. enabling the start of the attack on Germany starting help the invasion.
  • D-Day

    American, British and Canadian forces landed on France's Normandy region and traveled along the 50-mile stretch of heavily fortified coast to push on to germany
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies
    On April 12, 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage and his VP Truman took over and also gave the command to drop the atomic bombs
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    On April 30, 1945 Hitler commits suicide and within the next couple of days Germany surrenders and leaves WWll The only people left to subdue and to stop from the Axis powers is Japan
  • The Bomb

    The Bomb
    The United States drop the first atomic Bomb named "Little Boy" on Hiroshima Devastating the people of japan and still affecting them now. It also cause Japan to consider surrendering.
  • The 2nd Bomb

    The 2nd Bomb
    The United States drop the second bomb named "Fat Man" on Nagasaki in turn ending WWII and devastating japan even more.