
World War ll

  • USSR World War ll

    USSR World War ll
    The Soviet Union army was invaded by Germans. There was roughly three million Nazi soilders followed by six-hundred thousand allied soldiers. The tactics by the Germans helped them as they destroyed many airplanes on the ground avoiding many air attacks. Then then the nazi soldiers surrounded millions of Soviet Union soldiers making them disconnected to food sources. All of this led to the plan of the final solution to go into effect.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The holocaust caused six million Jewish people to be killed due to Aldolf hitler. The Jewish population only stood at about nine million to begin with. These lived in the land where nazi Germany's regained. They killed two of every three Jewish people. This all happened as part of the ' final solution'. In 1941-1944 the nazis moved million of Jews into killing chambers. The holocaust caused all the Jewish people in the area to import into different countries.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    The blitzkrieg is a war tactic design to create disorganization when the bombing occurs. This occurred between 1939. The Germans tried it out against Poland in 1939 before attacking Belgium, Netherlands, and France with the same tactic. The U.S adopted this tactic when the war against European nations happened. This effected war because after the tactic was used over and over countries like the U.S adopted these tactics causing more and more bombings.
  • Invasion Of Poland

    Invasion Of Poland
    Aldolf Hitler lead the nazis into Poland for land. Many people who supported hitler didn't support the decision of invading Poland but supported no matter what. Two thousand tanks, over one thousand planes, broke through the Poland defense. Poland lost in a matter of weeks to the nazis. The nazis stayed in Poland lands until invaded by the Soviet Union in 1941.
  • Auschwitz Concentration Camps

    Auschwitz Concentration Camps
    ( children, pregnant women, etc) but the showers were actually disguised gas chambers so once inside they would be exposed to toxic gas. If they didn't die by the showers then they died by overworking, bad living conditions. More than 1 million prisoners died during the time of this camp some even has experiments done to them. This effected the war because it changed focus over to the German state of mind and people wanted to help stop this mass killing.
  • Auschwitz Concentration Camps

    Auschwitz Concentration Camps
    At the beginning of world war ll Aldolf Hitler created a policy known as " Final Solution." This policy led to random acts of violence, dehumanizing of the Jewish people. Auschwitz is the highest concentration camp death rate. This camp was located at an old military base outside of southern Poland. All the people living near the base were forced to leave their home which their homes were bulldozed by the nazis. If prisoners were unfit to work in the camp they were sent to the showers...
  • Post Dramatic Stress Disorder in War World ll Veterans

    Post Dramatic Stress Disorder in War World ll Veterans
    When solders experience things during war and survive going back the normal life becomes hard for them. During the war soldiers with this disease would have " battle exhaustion" or " battle fatigue ". These people with the disease would be placed in rest areas trying to recover. They now have passed a lawman 1946 called the National Mental Health Act.
  • Fall Of Paris

    Fall Of Paris
    The Persians heard that Germans were about to join them in Invading Paris. The British prime minister told France to stay strong and that at some point America will come to its aid. By the time the Germans made it to Paris two million Parisians already fled. The Germans began to do harsh things to the Parisians killing, arresting. The ones who fled cheered as the soviet army was telling them that they are safe.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    July 1941 the nazi leaders met at this building to discuss the Final Soultion and the Jewish question. Aldolf sent his second man Reinhard Heydrich to submit a general plan to make this final solution possible. Heydrich proposed many horrible suggestions include sending them to Poland and working them to death. Months later gas vans which were killing people about 1,000 a day were proved to be the "solution".
  • Battle Of Midway

    Battle Of Midway
    Six months after Pearl Harbor the United States defeated Japan. They won due to major advances in code breaking. This changed war for the United States due yo them now being able to be offensive not always defensive. This led to the United States beating Japan.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    April 9 1942 American soldiers surrendered on a Bataan peninsula about 75,000 soldiers were forced on a 65 mile long walk to a concentration camp. They were in intense heat and were treated harshly by the Japanese guards.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    German Athorities deported and murdered around 300,000. In response to the deportations the Jewish underground organization created a self armed unit around 200 people. The Warsaw ghetto uprising was the most symbolic and most important event in Jewish uprising.
  • 'D-Day'

    More than 160,000 troops landed on a 50 mile strip of a French beach line. More than five thousand ships and thirteen thousand airplanes supported the troops on the beach. By the end of the day the the allied troops came on top as one of the biggest battle wins. Over nine thousand troops were killed sacrificing to allow over one thousand allied troops to march across europe and defeat Hitlers troops.
  • Liberation Of Concentration Camps

    Liberation Of Concentration Camps
    Soviets freed the camps including aschuwitz. There was an abundant of evidence of mass killing including 14,000 pounds of hair. In the following months the Soviet Union freed the rest of the camps in Germany.
  • Battle Of The Bulge

    Battle Of The Bulge
    December 1944 hitler attempted to split allied armies trying to surprise blitzkrieg trust through Ardennes to Antwerp. Catching him off guard was u.s fought desperate battles to stem the Germans towards Bastogne. As the Germans attempted to keep moving forward they ran into allied armies line. The maneuvering of the third army helped neutralize the German counteroffensive even though there was still heavy casualties.
  • Atomic Bombs Dropped

    Atomic Bombs Dropped
    An American B-29 dropped the first ever atomic bomb over Japanese town Hiroshima. The bomb destroyed ninety percent of the town and eighty thousand people died instantly. Three days later another atomic bomb was dropped over Nagasaki killed over forty thousand instantly making Japan's emperor to surrender.