World War l - World War ll Events

  • Francis Ferdinand, Austrian Archduke, Assassinated

    Turkey took over the states of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ferdinand was going to to look closely at the troops in Bosnia. Students were armed with weapons to take down Ferdinand. One student assassinated him.
  • Austria Declares War on Serbia

    Austria Declares War on Serbia
    The Serbian government was blamed for the death of Ferdinand by the Austrian government. That caused Austria to declare war on Serbia. This day marks the beginning of WW1
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
    German troops invaded Belgium France after they declared war on them.
  • Japan Declares War on Germany

    Japan Declares War on Germany
    Japan declares war on Germany. This had to be done due to an alliance between Great Britain and Japan, which was signed in 1902.
  • First Air Raid

    First Air Raid
    The Germans raided the air of London. Their goal was to raid the city of London, so they would have to protect their home front and stay away from attacking the German air force.
  • USA Joins the War

    USA Joins the War
    On April 2, United States' president, Woodrow Wilson, called for a declaration of war against Germany. On April 6 his request was granted and USA was entered in the war.
  • World War l Ends

    World War l Ends
    On the eleventh month, the eleventh day, and the eleventh hour the Armistice was signed. The War was finally over.
  • Creating The USSR

    Creating The USSR
    Vladimir Lenin created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as know as the USSR. The USSR was under the communist party.
  • New Ruler of the USSR

    New Ruler of the USSR
    Joseph Stalin becomes the new leader of the USSR. Stalin became very controlling and made a totalitarian state.
  • Abolish the Treaty of Versailles

    Abolish the Treaty of Versailles
    Germans start to attack. Treaty was abolished, because it was suppose to prevent future wars. German went against this treaty.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader, basically said he was invading for defense. The invasion into Poland would create living space for Germans. This marks the beginning of WWll.
  • Air Raids

    Air Raids
    German created massive air raids on London. It caused many immediate deaths. It also caused many to have cancer, so they died later in life.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. It was totally unexpected. This caused USA to join the WWll.
  • Harriet Truman Becomes President

    Harriet Truman Becomes President
    President Roosevelt dies, and Truman becomes president for the rest of WWll. Truman makes the decision to start building the atomic bomb.
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    Two atomic bombs were dropped in Japan. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two cities targeted. Most people living in these cities were citizens and only 3% Japanese military.
  • End of WWll

    End of WWll
    The Axis power was so weak, mentally and physically, due to the bombing and all other attacks. The Axis power surrendered.