World War l Alternate Timeline

  • Signing Of the Treaty of Peace/ Purpose

    This treaty was signed by all nations and stated that no war would be declared unless it was rightful. This means that no war was to be created if there was no appropriate cause for it.
  • Battle of German

    Adolf Hitler had taken control of all the Jews stating that they were mistakes and unfit to be part of Germany. He would kill off all Jews and their race would be wiped out as if they had never existed.
  • Building Defenses in America

    The United States had built defenses/allies to help them take down Hitler. These defenses include the British that had a huge influence in the America vs Germany war.
  • Germany vs America

    America would declare war on Germany because they found out that Adolf Hitler was killing innocent Jews. They would stop the war after Adolf Hitler was executed for what he has done.
  • The end of the war

    Hitler was assassinated while giving a speech about becoming one nation. He was then burned and had no official burial because of all the harm he had caused.