World War II Timeline Events

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    The Kwantung army (Japan) invades Manchuria.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy wanted to invade Ethiopia and move in on the capital
  • Hilter's Announcement to remilitarize

    Hilter's Announcement to remilitarize
    1935- Hitler announces plans to re-militarize
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland marking the beginning of WW2.
  • Britain & France declare War

    Britain & France declare War
    Britain and France declare War on Germany.
  • General J.C. Smuts Declared South Africa

    General J.C. Smuts Declared South Africa
    Smuts declared South Africa, Germany and the Axis at War
  • Hitler breaks the pact

    Hitler breaks the pact
    Hitler breaks the Non-Aggression pact with the Soviet Union.
  • Germans retreat

    Germans retreat
    The Soviet Union counter offences drives Germans from Moscow in a retreat.
  • U.S. declares war on Empire of Japan

    U.S. declares war on Empire of Japan
    Day after pearl harbor, the U.S. declares war on the empire of Japan because of the damage the Japanese planes caused from Pearl Harbor.
  • The War is brought home by Germany

    The War is brought home by Germany
    British bomb Köln (Cologne), for first time brings the war home to Germany. Urban Germany is reduced to rubble over the next three years by Anglo- American bombs.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Battle of Stalingrad, significant battle between Nazi and Germany (it’s allies fought the soviet union)
  • D-Day

    June 6th, 1944- D-Day, US and allied troops invaded Normandy, France.
  • Germans Surrender

    Germans Surrender
    The day after D-Day Germany surrenders.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Victory in Europe Day (AKA VE-day). The Nazis surrender to Russia (Western Allies).
  • U.S. drops two atomic bombs

    U.S. drops two atomic bombs
    U.S drops two atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan