Japanese Invasion of China
The Japanese invasion of Chia began when the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan invaded Manchuria immediately following the Mudken Incident. -
Period: to
World War II
Rape of Nanking
A massacre during which Imperial soldiers murdered, raped, mutilated and assaulted an estimated 40,000 to 300,000 Chinese civilans and disarmed combatants -
German Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg was a war tactic used by the Germans in the early days of WWII. The Germans used the Blitzkrieg tactic because it was useful in the defeat in Poland, Denmark, NOrway, the Netherlands, France and Greece. Germany couldn't defeat Russia, which quickly led to their defeat. -
Fall of Paris
German invasion and capture of France and the Low Countries, defeating primarily French forces. This gave Germans the ability to eventually work briefly with the USSR -
Operation Barbarosa
code name for the German invason of the Soviet Union. Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion. -
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The JAps intended to neutralize our fleet to protect Japan's advance into the Dutch East Indies. THe act pulled the United States into the war. -
The Wannsee Confrence
A confrence held by senior officials of Nazi Germany, held in the BErlin suburb of Wannsee -
D Day
More than 160, 000 allied troops landed along a 50 mile stretch of heavily fortified French coast to fight Nazis on Normandy beaches. -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
Soviet soldiers entered Majdanek camp in Poland, and later overran several other killing centers. On January 27, 1945, they entered Auchwitz. -
Battle of Iwo Gima
A major battle where the US Marines landed on and captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese Imperial Army.
The Battle of Iwo Gima was a gruesome battle, with nearly all the Japanese troops placed on Iwo Gima killed, while only 7,000 US troops were killed. 27 Medals of Honor were rewarded. The capture of Iwo Jima allowed the US to breech the inner defenses of Japan. -
VE Day
Victory in Europe Day, also known as VE Day, was a public holiday to celebrate the formal acceptance by the ALlies of World War II of Nazi Germany's surrender -
Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
Harry S Truman warned his advisors that any attempt to invade Japan would end deadly and very bloody. He ordered that the atomic bombs were to be used to bring the war to a speedy end. American bomber Enola Grey dropped a 5-ton bomb on Hiroshima -
VJ Day
Allies celebrate the surrender of JApan after almost 6 years of war -
Battle of the Bulge
MAjor German offensive plan launched through the Ardennes forest region in Belgium on the Western Front towards the end of World War II. German losses were heavy with approx. 30,000 deaths and captures