World War II

  • Japan moves to China

    Japan moves to China
    Japan invades Manchuria and establish a puppet regime.
    Later in1936, they establish another puppet regime in Mongolia.
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    Japanese Aggresion in Asia and the Pacific

    Everything started good for the Japanese Empire after their several adquisitions of territories, but they bigggest mistakes they could have done, was to attack a much powerful army: the U.S. Army, but after several battles, most important the Battle of Midway where the "tide turned" in favor of the Allies, Japan was no longer able to continue figthing as largely as it was.
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    United States' Neutrality

    After WW1 ended, U.S tried to remain as neutral, and away from foreign wars as possible, and in the 1930s, the U.S Gov. encated several acts to state American neutrality on this uprising war, but after the Japanses attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7,1941, it was clear that those acts meant nothing, and the United States entered the War from another angle of the action (not on Europe).
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    Hitler's Final "Solution" - Holocaust

    It starts with Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany, and the Nazi Party reaches power. From that point forward, it was hell for Jews, those who were the responsible for Germany misfortunes, according to Hitler
  • First German concentration camps

    First German concentration camps
    Nazis open Dachau concentration camp near Munich, to be followed by Buchenwald near Weimar in central Germany, Sachsenhausen near Berlin in northern Germany, and Ravensbrück for women.
  • Hitler becomes Germany's Dictator

    Hitler becomes Germany's Dictator
    German parlament grants Adolf Hitle with dictatorial powers
  • Hitler begins "Anschluss"

    Hitler begins "Anschluss"
    This was a term used to define the alliance of Austria and Germany. However, under the Treaty of Versailles, Austria and Germany were prohibited to unify.
  • Night Of The Broken Glass

    Night Of The Broken Glass
    The worst program of persecution against Jews
  • Russia signs Germany's nonaggression pact

    Russia signs Germany's nonaggression pact
    This was a tactical measure that would allow Germany to invade Poland without Russian interference.
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    Europe and Russian responds to German expansion

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    This is the trigger event that made France and Britain realize that Germany was trying to conquer all Europe. They declared war on Germany, and this led to the beginning of WW2
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    German War Machine on the Move

    With Hitler in command, Germany decided to attack France, and were victorious. Then they decided to attack Great Britain, Germany's remaining enemy, but before defeating the Brits, Germany troops moved to Russia, where the Red Amy crushed them.
    Germany kept moving, but it wasn't until the landing on Normandy that the Mighty Germany empire was being defeated by any side; Hitler commited suicide, and German resitance stopped.
  • Japan joins Germany & Italy

    Japan joins Germany & Italy
    Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, which stated that these countries were to aid each other financially, and militarily. This is how the Axis Powers were established.
  • Germany plans attack Russia

    Germany plans attack Russia
    Deespite the signing of the non aggression pact, Germany still thought Russia was a strong opponent, therefore, it should be eliminated, but all it did was to awaken a sleeping lion.
  • ABC-1 Conference

    ABC-1 Conference
    The U.S agreed with the UK that Germany was the most dangerous enemy of the war, this was decided in a conference, ABC-1 conference that happened before the attack of Pearl Harbor
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Japan launches a surprise attack on the Hawaiian base of Pearl Harbor. This outraged Americans, and the day after this happened, the United States declared won Japan. Three days later, Japan's allies, Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.
  • Island Hopping

    Island Hopping
    This term was used by the United States, and its purpose was to gain military bases and secure small islands in the Pacific.
  • Battle of Caen

    Battle of Caen
    Caen, Normandy. This was the target place for General D. Eisenhower and aAllied planners to drop and invasion.
    This place was the perfect place, because of its strategic location.
  • Battle of Normandy

    Battle of Normandy
    The result of this battle was that the Allied liberated the Western part of Europe from Nazi Germany's control.
    This battle is also known as D-Day.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Germany signed an undonditional surrender at Allied Headquarters.
    This surrender ended the War in Europe.(Victory in Europe, "V-E)
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    "Victory over Japan" day. Japan had officially surrendered to the Allies, hence ending the War.
    Japan signed its surrender onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.