World War II DAVID

  • Hitler declares parts of the treaty of Versailles “null and void”

  • Hitler uses the city of danzig as a pretext for confronting Poland

    the soviet union
  • germany withdraws from the league of nations

    hitler did this because he wanted to rearm germany
  • German army of 100,000 men

    it was so big because after the first world war they made a treaty called treatry of versailles which restricted to this quantity of men
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    his main reason was because he wanted to keep up with the jonesses, to have acces to the sea, and revenge from an earlier defeat in 1896
  • Britain adopts a policy of appeasement

    tihs is the policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace.
  • Hitler occupies (“remilitarized”) the Rhineland

    hitler had the justification to do this because the treaty of versailles punished germans harshly while they had already gone into depression
  • Hitler occupies Austria

  • parts of the sudetenland ceded to germany

    was the name used before 1918 and in 1938-45 for the region inhabited mostly by Sudeten Germans
  • Nazi/soviet pact

    stalin knew that the last country that hitler was going to conquer was russia, so he made a treaty
  • Hitler occupies the rest of Czechoslovakia

    hitler didnt worry about breaking his promises because he already had alot of nazi-german to his side
  • hitler invades poland

    the direct result of this event was the start of ww2
  • Mussolini prepares to fight germany

    he is afraid since everybody knows not how weak they were and also other governments didnt respect them. he was afraid to loose
  • rome beriln axis

    is a 1949 book by British historian Elizabeth Wiskemann.