World War II & Cold War Timeline

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    This invasion started a Japanese aggression towards China & Indochina. Japan tried to use expansion to solve any economic problems that were there. Since Japans aggression the US cut off any trading for iron and gas.
  • Munich Pact

    This pact was where Britain and France decided to allow Hitler to take land in exchange for the agreement that he couldn't take any more territory after the concession. Hitler then decided to stop the pact 6 months later by taking even more territory even after agreeing to stop which ended the European policy.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was known as the "night of broken glass". It was the day that the Nazis came threw and killed over 100 Jews. The Nazis decided to destroy the Jews's homes and other buildings, they also torched the synagogues.
  • Germany invades Poland

    When Germany invaded Poland, the French and British declared war against Germany. Germany used the strategy of blitzkrieg to invade France and released air raids on Britain.
  • Neutrality Acts of 1939

    Was known as the Cash and Carry which allowed any nation at war to buy goods only if they payed up front and would carry them on there ships. (I couldn't find much on it)
  • Lend-Lease Act

    In order to defend the United States, Roosevelt was able to get the Congress to authorize the Lend-Lease Act, which is to sell, transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend or otherwise dispose of to any such government and defense article"
  • Atlantic Charter

    The Atlantic Charter was signed by FDR and Winston Churchill. It was made to show self-determination and a system of security that was national. It showed the commitment that FDR had for setting aside the aggression from German and Japanese.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack was made by the Japanese, attacking the Naval base and airfields that were around. About 2400 Americans were killed and 1300 were wounded. About 19 of the US ships were sunk due to the attack. FDR ask for a declaration against the Japanese which caused Germany to declare was against us.
  • Executive Order 8022

    Many African Americans experienced racial and ethnic discrimination in the military under the Jim Crow Laws. This discrimination led to the Civil Rights Movement post-war. The Africa American labor Union leader A. Philip Randolph was demanding equal access to war-time jobs. Randolph was organizing a march on Washington. In response, FDR issued the executive order 8802.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch was an invasion of North America that was done to free the Mederetarian from the control of the Germans. The invasion helped get pressure off of the USSR, but the Soviets didn't like the Germans at Stalingrad which turned the tide on the easter front. The Americans and British landed in Italy which opened another front but it directed a delayed attack from the Germans
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066 was issued by FDR in response to Americans fearing a suprise attack from Japanese living on American soil. This order authorized the deportation of Japanese-Americans on to deportation camps in desserts inland after they were forced to sell their property and all belongings.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Korematsu was a Japanese American who would refuse to leave his house because of the Executive Order 9066 issue. He tried to take his case to the Supreme Court about the violation of his constitutional rights but go turned down.
  • The invasion of Normady

    The invasion happened on D-Day which created a log-awaited western front. Germany now had 3 fronts and had to redirect the resources to a western one. Germany had the fronts that consisted of the Soviet Union, Italy, and France.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This battle was the last offense from Germany and the beginning of the end of the Nazis. After the battle, the Americans, British, and the French marched towards Berlin from the west while the Soviets came from the west. All sides met at Berlin to end the rest of the Nazis but Hitler committed before they got the chance.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference was a meeting where Churchill, FDR, and Stalin met to strategize and make final plans for the defeat of Europe. They also began to make post war plans for Europe. Stalin promised free elections in Eastern Europe during this meeting but later went back on his word.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    These Trials established that all individuals are responsible for their own actions. The precedents were set by the Trials but the Nazis didn't take an end to the genocide around the world.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki started because President Truman wanting to drop atomic bombs on them. He wanted to prevent anything from happening from the fights happening on the Japanese home island. The Japanese then decided to surrender unwillingly so that there wasn't an invasion or any problems. The US helped recreate Japan after the war which created an ally between both countrys.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine was made to help contain communism in the European and was first applied by the United Stated when they were giving supplies to the military and helping with financial aid to help with the rebel forces in Greece and Turkey.
  • Israel is Established

    The Jewish people were self-determined following the war and the Jewish states of Israel was established on May 14, 1948. The United States recognized and supported Israel. German war crimes impacted the conscience of the United States and this lead to their support of Israel.
  • Marshall Plan

    The Marshall plan was financial aid to help rebuild and prevent the fall of European Countries. The economic Recovery plan of 1948 was also known as the Marshall plan because it was proposed by Secretary of State George Marshall. The United States hoped the the financial aid would help economically weak Western Europe.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Soviets cut Berlin off of supplies. The US then responded by suppling the people with necessary items by planes. This was the United Stated first victory in the conflicts that arose from the Soviets.
  • US establishes NATO

    In response to the on going conflicts arising from the Soviets the US created the North Atlantic Treaty organization in 1949. This organization created a military alliance against the Soviet Union. The Warsaw pact was a military alliance created by the Soviets to protect themselves from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Soviet Unions test atomic bomb

    In 1949 the atomic bomb was being tested by the Soviet Union. The United States responded to this by making their own hydrogen bomb. This began a nuclear arms race between the two.
  • Korean Conflict

    The Korean conflict was between North and South Korea which began on June 25, 1950. Believing that the invasion had been set up by the Soviet Union the Truman administration asked the Untied Nations to take action. The United Nations demanded a ceasefire and supported actions to defend South Korea. American casualties caused the public opinion in the United States to be against the war. Formal negotiations ended on July 27,1953 with the North Korean forces stopped above the 38th Parallel.
  • Soviet Union launches Sputnik

    Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. The launch of this satellite began the Space Race. When the United States landed a man on the moon in 1969 they took the lead in the Space Race.
  • National Defense Education Act

    The National Defense Education Act was passed on September 2, 1958 to promote science and math skills. Congress wanted to make Americans more competitive in order to win the Space Race.
  • Rise of the Berlin Wall

    After World War II, the Soviets and the Allies separated Germany and Berlin into two zones. West Berlin and Germany was controlled by the Allies which included the US, Great Britain, and the French. East Berlin and Germany was controlled by the Soviets. The Berlin wall was put up as a divider to keep people from the east from escaping to the West.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    In order to help governments that were friendly to the Soviet Union they invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. The United States secretly assisted the Afghan resistance movement and the Soviets withdrew in 1989. Some of the Afghan rebel groups would eventually turn into the Taliban.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Berlin wall fell in 1989. This is considered the end of the Cold War. Strains on the Soviet economy and the move to liberate Eastern Europe contributed to the end of the Cold War.