The end of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles
As the war ends, the treaty of Versailles shrinks the German armed forces, as well as the new democratic Weimar Republic being established. -
Hitler joins the DAP
Adolf Hitler joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or DAP. This "worker's party" was the predicessor to the Nazi party. -
Period: to
The Weimar Repubic
The Nazi Party is formed
The DAP is officially renamed the NAZI Party, or National Socialist German Worker's Party, or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. -
Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party
With his strong speaking skills and passion, Hitler earns the title "der Führer" -
The Beer Hall Putsch
The Nazis, led by Hitler, attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic but fail spectacularly. Hitler is thrown into jail. -
"Mein Kampf" is Published
Hitler's auotbiographical manifesto, Mein Kampf, is published, showing Hitler's true intentions and asperations. -
Black Thursday
The begining of the Great Depression, hitting the Weimar Republic especially hard and creating hyperinflation. -
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
German President Paul Von Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor, ousting current Chancellor Kurt Von Schleicher. -
The Enabling Act of 1933 is passed
This act, ratified by the government, gave Hitler unlimited power, making him the dictator of Germany -
The Gestapo is established
The Gestapo, or Geheime Staatspolizei, or State Secret Police, is established to "maintain order" througout the country -
Nazi book burnings
University students march with intent of burning "non-German" books. More than 25,000 books were destroyed that day. -
The Night of Long Knives
Hitler's political purge, murdering anyone who may politicially oppose the Nazi party. -
Hitler becomes the Führer of Germany
Although reffered to as "der Führer" for quite some time, this now becomes Hitler's official title, making him head of state. -
Anglo-German Naval Agreement
Nazi Germany and the UK reach an agreement regulating the size of their navies. -
Militarizing the Rhineland
Nazi forces enter and occupy the Rhineland, in clear violation of the treaty or Versailles. -
The Axis is formed
Nazi Germany signs an agreement with Italy and Japan, forming the Axis Powers. -
Anschluss of Austria
Austria is the first country to be annexed by Nazi Germany. -
The Munich Agreement
Designed to appease Nazi Germany, the Munich Agreement is signed to allow for the annexation of the sudetenland, but no more. -
Annexing Czechoslovakia
In violation of the Munich agreement, Nazi troops move into Prauge and capture Czechoslovakia. -
Hitler renounces agreements
In a speech at the Richstag, Hitler renounces the Anglo-German Naval Agreement and the German-Polish non-agression Pact. The abandonmant of these agreements is the final indicator of the war to come. -