World War II by: Travis Harding

By tdh700
  • World War II

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • World War II

    First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin
  • World War II

    Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
  • World War II

    Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription
  • World War II

    Jews striped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws
  • World War II

    Hitler reveals war plans during Hossbach Conference
  • World War II

    Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag speech
  • World War II

    Warsaw surrenders to Nazis, Reinard Heydrich becomes leader of new Reich Main Security Office
  • World War II

    Nazis begin euthanasia on sick and disabled in Germany
  • World War II

    Assassination attempt on Hitler fails
  • World War II

    Germans bomb Paris, Dunkirk evacuation ends
  • World War II

    Germans enter Paris
  • World War II

    Massive German air raids on London
  • World War II

    Nazis order Jews to wear yellow stars
  • World War II

    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
  • World War II

    US and GB declare war on Japan
  • World War II

    Hitler declares War on US
  • World War II

    First all American air raid in Europe
  • World War II

    Waffen- SS attacks Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto
  • World War II

    British drop 3000 tons of bombs during an air raid on Hamburg, Germany
  • World War II

    D-Day landings on the northern coast of France
  • World War II

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
  • World War II

    Unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies
  • World War II

    First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan
  • World War II

    Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
  • World War II

    Japanese agree to unconditional surrender