World War II by Fa'kea J. Walker

  • Chancellor Hitler

    Chancellor Hitler
    Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany by Hidenburg.
  • Cooperation Treat

    Cooperation Treat
    Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sign a cooperation treat on October 25.
  • Initiation of World War II

    Initiation of World War II
    The initiation of World War II in the Pacfic occurs when China is invaded by Japan.
  • Nonagression Agreement

    The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany sign a nonaggression agreement.
  • Start of World War

    Start of World War
    Germany invades Poland.
  • Invasion

    The Soviet Union invades Poland.
  • Italy

    Italy enters the war.
  • Southern France

    Southern France
    Italy invades southern France.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    Italy, Japan, and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact.
  • Albania

    Italy invades Greece from Albania.
  • Axis

    Bulgaria joins the Axis.
  • Kiev

    Soviet troops liberate Kiev.
  • Rome Gets Liberated

    Rome Gets Liberated
    Soviet troops liberate Rome.
  • Second Front

    Second Front
    US and British troops open a second front against the Germans.
  • Axis Partnership

    Axis Partnership
    Finland leaves the Axis partnership.
  • Conquere

    Okinawa gets conquered by the Allied troops.
  • Suicidal

    Hitler commits suicide.
  • Western Allies

    Western Allies
    The western Allies make Germany surrender.
  • Surrender

    Germany surrenders to the Soviet Union
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    American drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    The Soviet Union invades Manchuria and declares war on Japan.
  • Bombs on Nagasaki

    Bombs on Nagasaki
    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
  • The War Ends

    Japan surrenders, ending the war.