Adolf Hitler is born
Hitler takes entrance exam for Vienna Academy of Fine Arts (rejected)
Hitler applies again to Academy (refused admittance to test)
Hitler moves to Germany at the age of 24
Hitler joins WWI as a German soldier (He was born in Austria)
Hitler suffered temporary blindness from a British gas attack
WWI ends
German delegates sign the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler designs Nazi flag and symbol
Hitler takes dictatorial control over the Nazi Party
Hitler tries to take over government arrested sentenced to 5 years in jail (served 3 months)
Hitler becomes Chancellor (Head of the German government)
Germany takes away many civil rights (ex: freedom of speech)
Dachau established (originally a concentration camp for opponents of the Nazis)
Germany government organized boycot on Jewish stores
Hitler outlaws all political parties other than the Nazi Party
Jews removed from various fields of entertainment (ex: music, art, and literature)
Hitler assumes powers of both President and Chancellor of Germany
Introduction of ID cards for Jewish people (effective January 1, 1939)
Jewish passports are marked with the letter "J" for "Jude"
Jewish children expelled from German schools
Jewish people banned from working with Germans
Ravensbruck camp established (only major women's concentration camp)
Hitler invades Poland fell within 3 weeks (Beginning of WWII)
France and Britain declare war on Germany for invading Poland
Lodz ghetto established
Germany attacks Denmark and Norway
Creation of Auschwitz
Hitler attacks Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
Germany attacks France
First gassing tests at Auschwitz (1.1 million people were killed here)
Germany invades Hungary
D-Day Allies landed on Normandy beach in France (approximately 10,000 casualties)
Soviet troops liberate Lodfz ghetto (877 people left out of 250,000 Jewish people)
British troops liberate Bergen-Belsen concentration camp (Anne Frank died here)
American troops liberate Dachau
Hitler commits suicide in Berlin at the age of 56
Germans surrender