continued -Treaty Of Versailles 1919
This was one of the impacts in World War II because it prohibited Hitler in making an army because that right was taken away from Germany during the loss of World War I. Hitler wanted to expand Germany's empire so he became a Nazi member and took over Germany to prepare for World War II. -
Treaty Of Versailles 1919
The Treaty of Versailles was written by the League of nations for the people of Germany. It was written to forbid Germany fro have a military. This is because the League of Nations wanted to keep peace in Europe.Britain, France, and America didn't want to encourage other countries into making militaries. The League of Nations didn't want another War to occur so they removed the military force from Germany. -
continued- Hitler takes over Germany
Hitler made girls get married and have babies so they could grow up to become part of the Nazi soldiers. Since Germany went through a great depression when it lost World War I, the people were very vulnerable. This impacted Germany because they needed a leader to rule their hopeless country and with the use of Hitler's persuasion, he came inline in being the next ruler of Germany. -
Hitler takes over Germany 1933
After Hitler had joined the Nazis, he decided to take over Germany. Hitler wanted to expand Germans empire. He did this by eliminating anyone who wasn't part of the Aryan race. He wanted to create a nation that was only an Aryn race to take over the whole country. By the use of propaganda and indoctrination, he soon began to be the most superior leader of Germany. He made boys go to school and sports to grow up and become a Nazi soldier. -
Invasion of Rhineland 1936
Hitler sends the Nazi soldiers into Rhineland. Rhineland was a territory that lied near France. France was one of the countries that declared the Treaty of Versailles, so they thought that this was an invasion and threat from Hitler to France. This movement reminded France of the act of World War I. France was so threatened by this act that they asked Britain for help. France believed it was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles because they were restricted from having an army. -
continued- Invasion of Rhineland
This deal was called appeasement. Keeping peace was something needed according to the treaty of Versailles. So they agreed on giving Rhineland to Hitler to keep peace in France and Britan. Britan felt as if they gave him what he wanted it would prevent him from causing another war. This was an impact because Hitler wasn't following what the Treaty of Versailles said or keeping a no military base in Germany which one of the stars of World War II. -
Anschluss 1938 (March)
the Nazi people invaded Austria so Germany could take control. Since Hitler lived in Austria and that was his home place, he wanted to take control over Austria so it could be part of Hitler's German empire. He specifically wanted to take over the people of Australia because they spoke German and culturally similar to the citizens of Germany. This shows how Austria's citizens fit the mandatory looks of the Aryan race. -
continued- Anschluss
This was part of the reason why Hitler wanted to bring Australia into the German empire. This was an impact on World War II because now Hitler's empire is increasing and appeasing him didn't stop him from conquering other countries for "peace". -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1938 (Sep)
Even though Hitler promised not to conquer any more countries, he ended up doing so. Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. Hitler commanded that the Czechoslovakia government surrender to Germany. Hitler also used Czechoslovakia to add to the German empire, meaning that the German empire was growing rapidly by the conquest of other nations. The Czechoslovakia government was too frightened for fate in their nation. So they prepared to fight the Nazi but was still a part of the German empire. -
continued- invasion of Czechoslovakia
France and Britain were so determined to keep peace in their nations, so they made another appeasement and trusted Hitler to stop invading other countries. This was an impact, but not as big of an impact to stop Hitler from invading other countries. -
Munich Pact
The Leaders of France and Britain made an agreement to Hitler called the Munich Pact. This was an agreement that Hitler should stop invading other countries and have Czechoslovakia be the last country he does. France and Britain wanted Hitler to stop invading other European countries because they wanted peace. France and Britain were really happy that they made this agreement with Hitler because he agreed to stop invading other countries. -
Continued- Munich Pact
Knowing how much hatred Hitler has towards Jews, it was very obvious that he wouldn't keep his promise on keeping Europe in peace. Hitler also wanted every part of his empire to be in the Aryan race and the Jews did not fit into that category showing how he didn't keep his word and went against the peace in Europe. This was a big impact on World War II because Hitler was going against the Treaty of Versailles and was keeping promises he knew he was gonna disobey from the start. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Most people were scared of Hitler because of his foolish acts. But Hitler was scared of one thing. The Soviet Union and Stalin were was Hitler was scared of. In August 1939 Hitler signed a military alliance with Stalin. This was an agreement by both leaders. Hitler and Stalin agreed to not invade each other's countries. They're also agreed to invade and divide up the nation of Poland and add to both their empires. -
continued- Nazi-Soviet Pact
Hitler purposely wanted to invade Poland because of the large population of Jews that lived there. This was an agreement that France and Britain did not agree on because of Hitler's promise. This was the start of the second world war because of the wrong decision Hitler was putting himself into. -
Invasion of Poland
The main start of World War II was the invasion of Poland. Hitler agreed that he wouldn't conquer any more counties and him didn't commit to that agreement. He invaded Poland on September 1 which caused the League of nations to be really upset. This meant that the negotiation that the League of Nations had with Hitler failed because he didn't keep his promise. This was the main event that causes the outbreak of World War II. -
continued- Invasion of Poland
The League of nations did not commit into keeping peace in Europe because they were so sick of the acts Hitler made. This caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany. This caused World War II to occur. This was the most impacting event in WWII because it struck the League of Nation to declare war on Germany which began the war