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World War II - Samuel Crick

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Adofe Hitler becomes leader of nazi party.

  • Benito Missoiini appointed Prime Minister of Italy

    Forced king to appoint him to prime minister after his fasciest party the black shirts march on rome to demand a control of the goverment.
  • Josef Stalin sole dictator of the Soviet Union (USSR)

  • Japan’s Army seizes Manchuria, China.

  • Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany

  • Italy invades Ethiopia

  • Congress passes law.

    Congress passed first neutrality act to keep nation out of foreign wars.
  • Militarist take control of Japanese Government

  • Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany in violation of the Versailles Treaty

  • Japan invades China

  • Japan’s army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people.

  • Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Germany

  • Nazis begin rounding up Jews for labor camps

  • Announcement of nutruality durring war.

    Presedent Roosevelt announces United States will remain neutral in the war.
  • World War II begins.

    Germany invades poland which starts World War II
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin

  • Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium – take control

  • Germany invades France and forces it to surrender

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain – Royal Air Force defeats German Air Force to prevent invasion of their island
  • First time Peacetime Draft in US

  • United States enters war.

    United states inters war after japan attacks pearl harbor.
  • Churchill and FDR issue the Atlantic Charter

  • Japanese invade French Indochina

    Japanese invade French Indochina (Viet. Laos, Cambodia)
  • Pearl Hearbour attacked.

    Dec. 7 Pearl Harbor in Hawaii attacked by Japanese Naval and Air forces, US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy declare war on the US - Dec. 9
  • Philippines fall to Japanese – Bataan Death March

  • Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps

  • June 4-7 Battle of Midway, turning point of war in the Pacific

  • Russians stop Nazi advance at Stalingrad save Moscow

  • British and US forces defeat German and Italian armies in North Africa

  • Zoot Suit Riots – Los Angeles, CA

  • July - Italy surrenders, Mussolini dismissed as Prime Min.

  • June 6 - D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies

  • Aug. - Paris retaken by Allies Forces

  • Dec. Battle of the Bulge – last offensive of German Force

  • Jan. – US forces return to recapture the Philippines

  • April 16th - FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President

  • May 8th - V-E Day, war ends in Europe

  • Aug. - First Atomic Bombs dropped

    A video on the insodent of the Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb that went off which was the first atom bomb dropped in the war and it was dropped by the US.
  • Aug. 14th – V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied Forces

  • Video about the Hiroshima nuclear insodent.

  • War Crimes Trials held in Nuremburg, Germany; Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.