World War II

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    In 1937 skirmishing between Japanese and Chinese troops on the frontier led to what became known as the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. This fighting sparked a full-blown conflict, the Second Sino-Japanese War. Under the terms of the Sian Agreement, the Chinese Nationalists (KMT) and the CCP now agreed to fight side by side against Japan. The invasion happned in 1937 right before the start of the deadly war, wold war II. Japan had several unsuccesfully attacks upcoming.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    Print Cite In late 1937, over a period of six weeks, Imperial Japanese Army forces brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of people–including both soldiers and civilians–in the Chinese city of Nanking (or Nanjing). The horrific events are known as the Nanking Massacre or the Rape of Nanking, as between 20,000 and 80,000 women were sexually assaulted. Brutal attacks transpired. It was a shame
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg German term is a term for "lighting warfare." Its is a militar tactic desgined to creat disorganization with enemies and they're forces throigh the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower. It's execution resulted in short military campaigns, which preserved human lives and limited the expenditure of artllery. German forces acted out the blitzkrieg in Poland in 1939 before easily employing the invasions of Belgium, the Netherlands and France in 1940. The acts started 9/1/39
  • Fall of Paris 1940

    Fall of Paris 1940
    Parisians awaken to the sound of a German-accented voice announcing via loudspeakers that a curfew was being imposed for 8 p.m. that evening-as German troops enter and occupy Paris. Churchill told French governemnt to hold on that America would enter to there aid. Roosvelt was prepared to send needed materials. aid would be forthcoming, no such commitment would be made formal and public. On June 14th the Fall of Paris happened.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941 a day that Americans will remember forever. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Hundreds of Naval planes from the empire of Japan striked unexpected at 8am. Two hours of crashes made the devestating impact. The Japanese managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, and more than 300 airplanes. More than 2,000 Americans soldiers and sailors died in the attack, and another 1,000 were wounded. President Roosvelt declared war on Japan.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    The Wannsee Conference was a Nazi meeting. The meeting was held on January 20th, 1942. Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of the final solution to the Jewish question. General Reinhard Heydrich was representing at the meeting. He represented the SS.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Commander Nagumo who was in charge of the fleet that attacked Peral Harbor was in charge of this batte. He used the enitre Japanese fleet at the battle. On the morning of June 4, Admiral Nagumo launched his first strike with 108 aircraft, and did significant damage to U.S. installations at Midway. The Americans struck back time and again at Japanese ships, but accomplished little real damage, losing 65 of their own aircraft in their initial attempts. Nagumo didnt realize the power.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    In July 1942 a very bloody battle occured. The rapid bombing quickly turns the city into rubble. The soviet military along the civilans stood strong. Winter sat in and the Nazi army got weaker from starvation.In november the germans are surrounded. Germany waived the red flag in Feb. 23 leaving behind a blood bath. 2 million deaths, lead to a major changing point in the war to the downfall of the thrid reich.
  • D- day (Normandy Invasion)

    D- day (Normandy Invasion)
    On the morning of June 6, 1944, Allied forces staged an enormous assault on German positions on the beaches of Normandy, France. During World War II (1939-1945), the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June 1944 to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. It was nicknamed D-Day for the D represnting departure. August 1944 northern France had been liberated, and by the following spring the Allies had defeated the Germans.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    On Decmeber 1944 Hitler was at work again. Attacking through the Ardennes Forest in eastern Belgium on December 16, hundreds of German tanks and several hundred thousand German troops broke through the thinly held American lines. Germany traveled 50 miles but was shortlived. December 26th there attack was halted. Germany lost 100 K lkives. The americans only 81 K
  • Liberation of concentartion camps

    Liberation of concentartion camps
    Allied troops traveled across Germany. They came across several hundreds of concengtarion camps. The prisoners were in bad shape. Many of which were forced to travel in harsh conditions without food and water. The British liberated thousands of concentraions camps. This gave the freedom to the jews who could finally get back to there daily lives even thought most were seperated from family and friends
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, who fought from an elaborate network of caves, dugouts, tunnels and underground installations. In the west, the Japanese were being turned back in Burma and island hopping had isolated Japanese forces in the eastern sector. Combined with the attacks on Iwo Jima, was America’s desire to finally destroy Japan’s merchant fleet so that the Japanese mainland could not be supplied from the food-rich sectors of South East Asia.
  • VE day

    VE day
    This day in history finally made the germans lay down there arms. The United states and Great Britain finally had something to celebrate. Germany surrendred after losing 8,000 soliders. More than 13,000 British POWs were released and sent back to Great Britain. May 9, the Soviets would lose 600 more soldiers in Silesia before the Germans finally surrendered.
  • Dropping of the Atomic bombs

    Dropping of the Atomic bombs
    On August 6th, The United states flew over board Japan. The Unites States dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The attack left Japan in utter destrution. These attacks left 200,000 people dead. Familes were torn apart on this day and will forever be remembered in japan
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    This day Japan had unoffically surrendred to the Allies. This effectively ended the War. September 2nd is the formal offical day of surrender. This happened after the devastating atomic bombs that destroyed two japanese cities. This event happened after Japan hit Pearl Harbor. This was a moral victory for the US