World War II

  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    Becomes the leader of Italy
  • Holocaust

    The mass slaughter of people, mainly Jewish, by the Nazi party
  • FDR

    Began his Good Neighbor Policy
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Becomes the leader of Germany
  • Congress

    Passed the Neutrality Act
  • Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Lauches the second Sino-Japanese war
  • European Appeasment

    European Appeasment
    European appeasment of Hitler began
  • Kristallnacht

    Also called the Night of Broken Glass, Nazi's in Germany vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses
  • Germany and Russia

    Germany and Russia
    Signed a nonagression pact
  • Blitskrieg

    Germany began Blitzkrieg in Poland. It's also known as Lightning war
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The longest battle of World War II that was fought on the sea
  • Cash and Carry

    Cash and Carry
    It replaced the Neutrality Acts of 1939
  • Navajo Code Talkers Used

    Navajo Code Talkers Used
    The Navajo language was used as code during the war
  • Churchill

    Churchill becomes the Prime minister of Great Britain
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The largest bombing campaign to date was fought over the United Kingdom
  • The Tripartite Pact

    The Tripartite Pact
    Signed by the Axis powers
  • Four Freedoms

    Four Freedoms
    President Roosevelt addressed the speech to congress to have four different paintings that had messages of freedom
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend Lease Act
    Where America supplies allies with material during the war
  • Development of Rosie the Riveter

    Development of Rosie the Riveter
    When woman began to fill in jobs that men usually occupied
  • Nazis developed the Final Solution

    Nazis developed the Final Solution
    Nazi Germany's plan to exterminate the Jews
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Became the leader of the USSR
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    A proclamation made by Britain and America declaring that they were fighting the Axis Powers to preserve the rights of man
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese attack on pearl harbor
  • OPA Created

    OPA Created
    Mandates that no one will be permitted to own more than five automobile tires
  • Japanese put in internment camps in the U.S.

    Forced American's of Japanese decent to live on the west coast after Pearl Harbor
  • Double V

    Double V
    A victory for black American's at home and abroad
  • Tuskegee Airmen

    Tuskegee Airmen
    Were black servicemen of the U.S. Army Air Force who trained in Tuskegee in Alabama
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    Forced to march 63 miles, many U.S and Filipino prisinors died on the journey or escaped into the jungle
  • Doolittle Raids

    Doolittle Raids
    Doolittle's raid on Tokyo
  • WAAC

    Stands for Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, formed
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    One of the most important naval battles during World War II
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Succesful soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    British and American invasion of French North Africa
  • Casablanca Conference

    Casablanca Conference
    A conference to plan allied european battle strategy
  • Smith-Connally Anti Strike Act

    Smith-Connally Anti Strike Act
    Wage increase for coal miners
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    A meeting between the U.S President, the Britsh Prime Minister and Soviet's Premier Joseph Stalin
  • D-Day

    Allied invasion of Normandy, in France
  • MacArthur "Returned" to the Philippines

    MacArthur "Returned" to the Philippines
    Attempted to liberate the philippinos from the japanese
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Adolph Hitler attempted to split the allied armies in northwest Europe
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Second wartime meeting
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    U.S. Marines land on the islands of Iwo Jima
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Biggest pacific island battle
  • FDR Died

    FDR Died
    Died of Cerebral hemorrhage
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Allied victory in Europe
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    A development and research project that produced the first atomic bombs during World War II
  • Hiroshima

    Atomic bombed dropped on Hiroshima by the United States
  • Japan Invaded Manchuria

    Japan Invaded Manchuria
    Japans attempt to gain control over parts of China
  • Numerberg Trails

    Numerberg Trails
    After the war, those who were responsible for crimes committed during the holocaust were brought to trail
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    Victory over Japan