Hitler elected Chancellor in Germany
On the night of January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. To celebrate, The Nazis organized a torchlight parade to walk around and celebrate. On the course of the parade, Hitler was outside a window waving and greeting the people, celebrating him. -
First concentration camp opened
The concentration camp first opened for Jews and political opponents. They were sentenced here without any trial or right to appeal. When in the camp, they were forced to do any sort of labor needed. -
Nazis boycott Jewish shops
Boycotting Jewish shops first began when Nazi Minister Joseph Goebbels delivered a speech to a crowd. He believed it would help fight against the anti german propaganda by the Jews. They would send soldiers to block the store fronts like in the photo included. -
Germany quits League of Nations
Hitlers main reason for not staying in the League of Nations was he wasn't getting equal military demand. After leaving, Germany started to gain military powers quickly and making their army massive. On October 19, 1933 the Foreign Minister informed the League of Nations of Germany's departure. -
Hitler becomes Führer of Germany
On August 2,1934 Paul von Hindenburg died. Hours after his death, Hitler released a law saying "The office of Reich President will be combined with that of Reich Chancellor. The existing authority of the Reich President will consequently be transferred to the Führer and Reich Chancellor, Adolf Hitler. He will select his deputy." Thus making Hitler the "absolute leader" of Germany. -
Nuremburg Race Laws
The Nuremberg Laws basically deprived Jews of there rights. It made them as Hitler said "objects. The laws also forbid Jews to marry certain races such as Aryans. -
Spanish Civil War begins
The Civil War began when a few generals rose against the Republican government. During the war, alliances were not always clear. The war ended up being fierce and bloody. -
Hitler reveals war plans
Hitler had a secret conference in Reich Chancellery. During this conference, he revealed all of his plans to his men. He first made all of the men swear to secrecy. He then told every man in the room his plans after his deaths and his will. -
Germany announces union with Austria
Hitler announced there union with Austria. After the announcement, they began to crackdown on arresting and publicly humiliating Austrian Jews. Humiliation included scrubbing pavement on their hands and knees in front of a crowd. -
German military mobilizes
Throughout the war, German mobilized their army with waves. They would match the waves by same kind of strengths and skills and such experience in field. These waves were also called as divisions. -
German troops occupy Sudetenland
On October 10th, 1938, Germany took back a part of Czech that use to be part of their ancestry. The part of the land came apart of the Munich agreement. Giving Hitler this land, ultimately gave him time to grow his war machine of a army. -
Night of Broken Glass
On the night of November 9th, and giant attack on the Jews happened. Nazi storm troopers murdered and beat jews and also wrecked their homes. The attack was the result of Herschel Grynszpan shooting and killing a German Embassy staff. -
Hitler threatens the Jews
On the sixth anniversary of coming to power, Hitler gave a speech. In the speech he said, "....but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!". As the quote said, Hitler told the Jews, he was coming to wipe their entire race. -
Nazis take Czechoslovakia
A couple months before this day, they signed the Munich Pact. which basically sealed Czechoslovakia going to Germany. With this amount of land, they got almost all of the resources which included 66% of their steel. Also 70% of its iron and steel, and 70% of its electrical power. -
Spanish Civil War ends
The Nationalists entered the city of Madrid. Upon this, the Civil War came to a end. A million people were lost during the war, the most in Spanish history. -
Nazis invade Poland
Upon weeks of the invasion, the Nazis had defeated the Poland army. The German army included 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes. Britain and France, standing by the edges of Poland, officially declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. -
Soviets invade Poland
As the Nazis were breaking through Poland defenses, they shockingly meet the Soviets army. German troops retreated and gave over all Poland prisoners. Some prisoners in the city, surrendered easily that they wouldn't have to be taken by Germans. -
Soviets attack Finland
As the Soviets entered Finland, they thought it would be a breeze. They even wore summer outfits, thinking no outside fighting would happen. The Helsinki raid proved to be different. The Raid caused photos of mothers holding dead babies and other disgusting photos to happen. -
Germans bomb Paris
On this day, The Nazis bombed Paris killing 254 people. The Nazis were on a mission to ruin France's military and economy. There plan worked also, inflicting terror into there eyes, the minister of France could only stop government officials from fleeing. -
Battle of Britain begins
The Battle of Britain was basically a three and half month long period of the Britain's and Nazis bombing each other. Although the Nazis had more fire power than the Britain's, they had a effective radar system making a sneak attack less likely. Germans had so had mistiming on their attacks and also lacked intelligence. -
Jews ordered to wear yellow stars
The yellow star meant that Jews could walk down German streets. Most of the time it meant they could go to a extended area, often including Jewish ghettos. Most of the yellow stars victims were then relocated to concentration camps to their death. -
Pearl Harbor
Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes flew over a U.S. Naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii. The attack only lasted near 2 hours, but it was terrible. The U.S. lost nearly 20 naval vessels and more than 300 planes. -
Hitler declares war on the U.S.
With the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler thought it was no better time to launch war against the U.S. With the alliance of Japan and Germany they felt that they would be unstoppable. Hitler also thought that President Roosevelt's way of speaking was a insult to the Nazi regiment. -
As General Eisenhower said, "Full victory, nothing else". D-Day, American troops ran through the water, to the coast of France to begin the turning the war our way. When American soldiers were injured, they would either wait to be evacuated or would wait for a medic. -
Hitler commits suicide
Hitler was moved to the Führerbunker, located 50 feet below the earth's surface. In this bunker, he basically began to tell why the Reich began to fail and why everyone began to turn their back against him. The previous days before his death, people tried telling Hitler to change his mind, but nothing was working. He began to sort his files to burn, and the mid day of April 30th, he had his last meal. Hitler was found with a bullet hole in his right temple. -
First Atomic Bomb dropped
On August 6, 1945, A U.S. plane dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The explosion of the city destroyed 90% of it, and killing over 80,000 people. Then three days later, we dropped a second atomic bomb.