Iroshima flag raising

World War II

  • Dachau

    (Date/Month not specific) Dachau was the first concentration camp to open. It was opened not long after Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany.Was opened to primarily house prisoners of war, but soon housed others that did not fit with Hitler's image of the Superior Race. Abled bodied persons housed there were also used as slave labor and some became parts of medical experiements. These medical experiments because of the nature of how they were obtained have never been used.
  • Period: to


    (Beginning and Ending dates are estimates) Holocaust is a term used to describe the mass murder of over 6 million European Jews, Prisoners of War, other targeted groups including Gypsies and Homosexuals by German Nazi forces. These groups were forced into concentration camps where many died of starvation and disease, while others where shot or put in gas chambers where they were killed.
  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia

    (Date not specific) Regardless that Hitler had given his assurance to Neville Chamberlain from England, Daladier of France and Mussolini of Italy that if Germany was given the Sudetenland tin Czechoslovakia they would not try for more expansion, invades and occupied Czechoslovakia.
  • Russia and Germany sign pact

    (Day not specific) Hitler and Stalin sign a non-agression pact. In this pact it also included clauses about how they would divide Poland.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    After Hitler invades Poland on Sept 1, both Britain and France declare war. This is important because it is the first two countries to decide to go to war with Germany who are not currently being invaded by them.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Hitler begins his Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg is a German war meaning Lightning War. This was a swift, sudden military attack, usually involving both air and land forces and was used successfully by Hitler.
  • Italy enters war for Axis Powers

    Italy enters the war on the side of Germany. This became the side known as the Axis Power.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Axis powers have been waging war with France, Germany, Russia among other countries and have been winning. Japan who has been waging war against the Chinese attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii as a premetatative strike against taking other western colonies in South East Asia. The day following the attack both the US and Britain declare war on Japan. Thus bringing the US into the war they were trying to avoid and making it the second World War.
  • D-day

    After several breakthoughs by the Allie Powers against the Axis Powers, including the surrender of Italy, the US is able to invade and capture the Normady Beaches. This was an important events because it was the turning of the war against Germany and the Axis Powers.
  • New Invention used by German forces

    A new type of warfare was used by Germany called the V2 Flying Bombs which were a long-range liquid-fuel rocket used as a ballistic missile in World War II.
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
    After being back in the Battle of the Bulge, having Allie Powers cross the Rhine from the West and Russia pushing back Germany from the East into Berlin, Adolf Hitler commits suidcide on April 30th and over the next few days German forces surrender. Hitler's successor, Admiral Donitz tries to negotiate a treaty, but finally surrenders unconditionally on May 7, 1945. On May 8 Victory in Europe is celebrated.
  • First Atomic Bomb used - on Hiroshima

    First Atomic Bomb used - on Hiroshima
    July 16, 1945 Atomic bomb is successfully tested. The first Atomic Bomb to be used in warfare is dropped on Hiroshima Japan. The Japanese still refused to surrender and so a second atomic bomb was dropped on Aug 9, on Nagasaki.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan unconditionally surrenders to the Allies Powers. Though the surrender was not formally accepted until Sept 2 by General MacArthur. This was very important as it ended the Second World War. General MacArthur was an important military person who played a prominent role in the fight in the Pacific. Is best known for his "We will return" and then returning to liberate the Philippines from Japan.