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World War I Timeline

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    Wilson's Presidency

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    World War I

  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    The Lusitania was a British cruise ship that was attacked by German submarine U-20. The ship sank near Kinsale, Ireland and 761 passengers and crew members died.
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    Great Migration

  • Lenin Led Russian Revolution

  • Rankin Elected for Congress

    Rankin Elected for Congress
  • Espionage Act

    The Espionage Act made it illegal to disclose national defense information and made it illegal to refuse to preform military service if enlisted.
  • Selective Service (Draft) Act

    This act required men in between the ages of 21 and 30 to apply for military drafting. The Selective Service Act was created because of the lack of volunteers for the army.
  • Influenza Epidemic

  • Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Wilson's Fourteen Points
    The Fourteen Points are a set of ground rules proposed by Woodrow Wilson for establishing peace between nations during World War I. It also helped the Allies negotiate the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Sedition Act

    The Sedition Act criminalized the expression of anything negative against the government during times of war which limited peoples' free speech.The act was tested in the supreme court in 1919.
  • Schenk vs. United States

    Two people (Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer) were convicted of persuading people to go against the military while the Espionage Act was enacted. The supreme court ruled that they created "a clear and present danger" and they were not protected by the first amendment.
  • United States Rejects Treaty of Versailles

  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    This amendment gave women across the United States the right to vote, which is a right that had been fought for for over seventy years.
  • Harding Wins Presidential Election of 1920

    Harding Wins Presidential Election of 1920
    Warren G. Harding won by a landslide in the 1920 election with 404 electoral votes and almost twice the popular vote because of his promise of lower taxes in the post war inflation.
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    Teapot Dome Scandal

    The anti-conservationist Albert B. Falls, who was the secretary of interior and a U.S. senator, convinced the Secretary of Navy to transfer the rights of the Teapot Dome land in Wyoming to the Department of Navy. This was controversial because conservation was a huge issue at the time and conservationist wanted to preserve the Teapot Dome area.
  • Ford Motor Company Exceeds One Billion Dollars

  • Great Gastby is Published

    Great Gastby is Published
  • Klansmen March

    Klu Klux Klan members marched through Washington D.C. to show support for their "100 percent Americanism" ideology ("native-born white male Protestants").
  • Mickey Mouse is Born

    Mickey Mouse is Born