Germany Takes the Alsace and Lorraine Territory from France
In the late 1860's France and Germany were in a war which resulted in Germany winning and taking many things from France. This caused France to have a lot of negative feelings towards Germany and when World War 1 was beginning it ignited France's want for revenge -
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European Powers Prepare for War
In 1913, all powers started manufacturing modern weapons and expanding their railways. Germans force was increased by 170,000 men, France went from 2 year periods of military service to 3 while Russia went from 3 to 3.5. Britain increased their home defense while they already had the strongest Navy, with 18 Dreadnoughts. Germany was second with 9. By 1914 all of the European powers were ready for war. -
Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
Austria-Hungary and Germany had an alliance since the Kaiser told Austria-Hungary that whatever they did, Germany would have their back. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany was their to back them up. This action turned what could have been a local war to an all out world war. -
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Countries Alliances Take Action
There were 2 teams that more of Europe was divided into. There was the Triple Alliance which was made up of Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary and the Triple Entente which was made up of Britain, France and Russia. It all started with Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia, which set off a whole chain of countries declaring war on other countries. -
World War 1 Begins
There were a number of things that led up to the start of World War 1. The building of the their military that each country took as a threat, the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the desire for dominance and independence from each of the countries, and the alliances between the countries. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
The Lusitania, a British ocean liner, was sunk by a German U-boat and there were more than 1,100 casualties of the more than 1,900 passengers, and it had more than 120 Americans on board. After this Germany's reputation in the US and all around the world plummeted. -
Germany's Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
This is one of the main reasons why the US joined the war. They did it because the war wasn't in their favor so they wanted to do something that would be surprising so that America wouldn't want to join the war and something that would do a lot of damage. It actually had the opposite effect because it is one of the main reasons the US joined the war. -
Zimmerman Telegram
Britain deciphered a telegram that was being sent from Germany to Mexico. The telegram was offering US territory to Mexico if they joined Germany's side in the war. Britain didn't tell America about it right away, they waited until April. Mexico remained neutral nonetheless. -
US Entry in World War 1
America decided to join the war because of Germany and the unrestricted attacks using submarines and also because of the Zimmerman Telegram. American joined the side of England, France and Russia, the Allies. -
End of World War 1
The country that had the most military deaths was Germany, the country with the most deaths in general was Russia, and the country with the highest percent of population killed was Serbia (16.1%). The new countries that were created after World War 1 were Finland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, and Estonia. -
Rise of Hitler
Hitler started with political work in 1919 and the party he was in, the National-Sozialistische Deutshce Arbeiterpartei (Nazi) took advantage of the resentment built up by the people of Germany over the downfall of their economy and losing the war. This allowed Hitler to use fear in order to take control of the people and rise to power. -
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was used in order to make sure Germany wouldn't start a new war. It put restrictions on how much they could build up their military and they had a lot of debts to pay off. The people of Germany were very negatively affected by The Treaty of Versailles. The debts that they needed to pay caused inflation which made 1 dollar be worth nothing. -
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Great Depression
The Great Depression was the biggest stock market crash in the history of the industrialized world. It caused an average of 15% of the population to be unemployed with a high of 25%. It panicked millions of investors and all of Wall Street. -
Dawes Plan and Young Plan
The Young Plan is a renegotiation of the original Dawes Plan from 1924. It provided benefits to the German economy but only for a short period of time. It helped bring stability to the German economy but also made Germany almost entirely dependent on other countries.