World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression

  • Nationalism

    Nationalism is extreme patriotism and loyalty to your country. This means that you respect your country more than any other country out there. This became a significant cause for WW1. Nationalism gave confidence to the people that their government was the best. Their over-confidence was given by provocative speeches or press reports. It assured them that their country was perfect and the most righteous one without blame.
  • Imperilism

    Imperialism is when a country takes over new lands and rules over them with their government. By the 1900's Great Britain was the largest and most powerful empire. The British Empire had one fourth of the globe and was famous for the saying "the sun never sets on Britain". By 1914, Great Britain had India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Hong Kong, parts of North Africa, islands in the Pacific and Caribbeans and concessions of China.
  • Militrism

    Militarism means the armies and the military are give high profiles by the government. This built up tension between countries in Europe. Britain being the largest empire had the largest army. Kaiser William 11 envied the navy that Britain had so he doubled his armies and built warships. The British responded by building more warships and doubling their navy. This started a race to greater success in stronger military.
  • Alliances

    In 1914, Europe six major powers split into two alliances that would later on be the warring sides of WW1. In 1881 Germany ad Austria-Hungry formed a Triple Alliance with Italy. If any of these countries were at war with other countries, their alliances would come to help.In 1904 Britain signed a contract with France and three years later with Russia. They became the Triple Entente.
  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, nephew of Emperor Franz Josef and heir to Austro- Hungarian Empire was shot, along with his wife Sophie. A Serbian nationalist was the shooter that shot them in Sarajevo, Bosnia. This assassination got Austria-Hungaria furious and they blamed the Serbian government for killing the Archduke. The Russian Supported the Austria-Hungarian so they declared war on Serbia.
  • Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary

    Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
    After the assassination on Jun 28, Germany offered its complete support to Austria-Hungarian ally in July. On July 5th, 1914, Alexander Hoyos and Wilhelm 11,German Emperor met to discuss their alliances. Wilhelm assured them that German would support Austria-Hungary in any decisions they decide to take against Serbia. By issuing their bank check (support), Germany made an assumption that Austria-Hungary was going to declare war on Serbia.
  • WW1 Begins

    WW1 Begins
    On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Serbia turned to Russia for assistance in military. That is when the Europe greatest powers collapsed. Germany invades Belgium on August 4th to outwit the French army. Britain stands up for Belgium's neutrality guaranteed by the Treaty of London. German Chancellor says that its just a piece of paper and Britain declares war on Germany the same day.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    On May 5, Britain's ship, Lusitania was attached by a German submarine without warning. Withing 20 minutes the ship sank in the Celtic Sea. 1,198 people were drowned including 128 Americans.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram, was a message sent from the German secutary, Arthur Zimmerman to Mexico. This message was suggesting that Germany and Mexico form an alliance in case the United States and Germany go to war.
  • Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
    After the invasion on Lusitania, The US President, Woodrow Wilson, sent a strong message to the Germans to stop the attacks on unarmed ships.Upon receiving this message, the German government suspended the U-boat warfare.The German navy did not agree with them so they started persuading the navy and then the government that the U-boat was an essential to winning the war. On January 32, 1917, Bethmann Hollweg went before the government to say that the submarine's would resume the following day.
  • US entry into the war and her impact on it

    US entry into the war and her impact on it
    On April 2,1917 Woodrow Wilson went to congress to request a declaration of war against Germany. In two days, April 4, the US Senate voted in support to declare war on Germany. America was a great impact to the war because it had a supply of fresh soldiers coming in to fight which was discouraging the Germans. America also provided extra fuel and food to the war effort. The United States was creating huge propaganda to raise money and troops.
  • Effects of WWI

    Effects of WWI
    WW1 caused four monarchies to fall; Germany, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. After the war there were over 41 million casualties, 18 million deaths, and 23 wounded. Wen WW1 ended, nine new nations were formed; Finland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The soldiers that came from war had Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. They had a loss of faith in their leaders. They returned home where no one understood their experience.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that ended WW1. The controversial war guilt blamed Germany for WW1 and forced heavy debt payments on Germany. Germany lost lots of land and had to pay 6,000 million euros.
  • Dawes Plan and Young Plan

    Dawes Plan and Young Plan
    Dawes plan was to reduce Germany's annual reparation payments, increasing overtime as economy improves. Foreign banks would give $200 million to encourage German economic stabilization. The Young Plan reduced the reparation payments to $29 billion, payable over 58 years. Germany's Weimar Republic was affected because people started blaming it for being weak and accepting the Treaty of Versailles.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the worst economic depression in the US history. On October 24, the stock market crashed which wiped out $14 billion of investments. Two months later, stock holders lost $40 billion dollars. Nearly 700 banks failed and people ended up with no money. With businesses having no money, people lost their jobs.
  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    Hitler came to power over the course of time. He resented the German people, the weakness of the Weimar system-exploited through propaganda, the terror of his storm troopers, and his speeches. People at first didn't listen to him, but when the Great Depression came they voted him as a leader. Thinking that he could control, President Hindenburg gave Hitler the post of Chancellor.