world war I- the great war timeline

  • propaganda useage (4)

    Many German people were convinced by Prussian chancellor otto von Bismarck that they could be united by common sacrifice
  • 2 nationalisms hit (4)

    The French and German were gaining hatred after the French-Prussian war.
  • creating alliances (8)

    Countries started to creat alliances to improve their strength. In the Triple Alliance it was Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy but later became central powers.
  • creating new alliances (9)

    When an alliance was created between France and Russia it was now possible fpr Germany to be attacked by France.
  • last alliance(9)

    It made war a bigger stress on Austria-Hungary and Germany during the triple entente.
  • help (3)

    In Austria-Hungary it was very hard to support people living also they were worried about the revolt of Serbia.
  • economic rivalry (2)

    Austria-Hungary had it own Slavic minorities on the Balkan peninsula.
  • natonalism (3)

    The parties of Germany were Prussian Junkers and the Social Democratic. In order to try to advirtise the Prussian Junkers blamed the Social democratic party of encouraging war.
  • nationalish explodes (4)

    The explosive emotions of nationalism broke out and caused many issues
  • economic rivalry (2)

    Serbia wanted to create a indeoendent Salvic state in Balkans.
  • help (1)

    Austria-Hungary had sent a ultimatum to serbia but also with Germany's help.
  • murder (3)

    Framz ferdinand was murdered becuase of when Austria-Hungary was controlling an area Serbia was in.
  • disturbance (2)

    There was disturbance being created between Serbia and Austria-Hungary which created a war with Rissa and Germany.
  • Mosilizaton (5)

    In WWI a term home front was used where is the population was right behind the lines and ther was no space for failure on the home team
  • Weapons (11)

    In WWI there was weapons that were recently created like machine guns, tanks, and poison gas those are what changed the war. They killed other troops faster but later when these weapons were used more it was a much faster process in the war.
  • use of propaganda (4)

    In 1890 to 1914 Great Britian their soldier size went from 302,000 to 381,000 because of propaganda.
  • fight between (11)

    In European countries there would be fights between them for land. ONce war came along they had to distribute.
  • trench foot (11)

    When someone was in the ttrench they could get something called trnch foot where their foot would just start to rot because of their sock being wet for weeks.
  • reason for joining(1)

    The Russian were'nt listening to Germany's orders on mobilization, then Germany joined the war
  • relious (3)

    There were many types of religion in Austria-Hungary like from Orthodoxy, Sunni Islam, and Judisam at the beginning of the war
  • being close (5)

    When men and women started working together it started to bring them blose in the country. Then the war brought everyone more connected in bonds.
  • declaring war (1&2)

    Because Germany was violating Belgian neutraity Great britian declared war.
  • march of German (6)

    German marched all the way thriugh Belgium and Luxembourg in order to invade France. It led to the Schliffen plan.
  • Divided (8)

    Russia had to split into two when they wanted to attack Germany. They went around the two sides of Masurian lake.
  • Belgium issues with mud (8)

    In the war there was a deadly mud. Many men would end up getting stuck then dying becuase they couldnt get out.
  • influences (8)

    There was so many bad conditions with weather and geograohical things that hurt many men. Also commonly there was many bad diseases.
  • Trenches (7)

    Many groups had dug up trenches They were from the French Swiss border to the North sea. They held up for about four year they also had a high number of casualties.
  • on the hill (8)

    Ottoman soldiers got on top of a hill while the allied soldiers were at the bottom. To defeat the central powers they had to all get to the top of the hill without getting hit with a bullet. Not many men made it to the top in the end.
  • front of Italy (6)

    Many battles were in the location of Italy's front. They were mostly between Austria-Hungary and Italy.
  • Genocide (3&12)

    The Americans were treated with deportaion, starvation, masssacre, and were tortured.
  • Gallipoli Peninsula (6)

    The british and French troops tried to froce a sea entrance to Russia, the capital pof Ottoman empire.
  • rivalry (6)

    WWI was in the naval warfare between Germany and Britian. Germany tried to used submarines but they ended up getting sunk by Great Britain.
  • changing sides (7)

    Italy ended up changing into the Allied powers in WWI but after they had already signed with the Triple alliance, so they had switched.
  • Lusitania (7)

    There was a british submarine hit by a torpedo from the Germans and over 1,200 passengers were killed.
  • having troubles (6)

    Cental powers faced issues when getting turned down from Russia and Serbia on the eastern front.
  • Belgaria (1)

    Belgaria ended up joining Central Powers because of the resent over the defeat over Romania, Serbia and Greece.
  • agreement of Armistice (19)

    They signed the Armistice agreement on November 11,1916 it was the war with at least five million civlians dead from a direct cause.
  • Murder (9)

    The murder of Tsar Nicholas Romanov 2 and his family changed Russia, it led to the creation of a new government then Bolsheviks took control
  • Russia (7&9)

    Russian revolution was forcing Russia to drop from the war so that made the Germany leave the Eastern front.
  • war (1)

    Woodrow Wilson said to congress that "A war to end all wars and make the world a safe for democracy." This took place after Germany tried to connect with Mexico.
  • battle (7)

    Vimy Ridge, German defenders were swept away by the Canadian troops. Germand has 20,000 suffered while 10,602 Canadians were sonded and 3,598 were killed.
  • propaganda useage (4)

    To get more soldiers America used propaganda have them join.
  • motivation (5)

    America had to motivate people everyday to support the war with money and thoughts.
  • breaking point (10)

    When America entered the war it made it a turning point for them. More men could be sent in.
  • Mobilization (5)

    After America joined WWI they needed to produce soldiers, food suplies, money to support the war, and ammunitions.
  • America comes (10)

    When America entered it had brought hope to the allied soldiers and that helped their motivation to keep fighting
  • practice (10)

    America went into war with a lot of soldiers that didnt have enough practice. So they got trained and the troops were more prepared.
  • later on (10)

    When America joined the war they created better bonds with countries so now in the future it will help them succeed in WW2.
  • inheritance (5&12)

    German-Americans were abused so they treid to become full American so they were able to support the country they loved.
  • money (10)

    Allied forced won but if they didnt America would have lost millionas of dollars that they gave European to help with the war.
  • Dropping (9)

    Russia had to drop the war because of the civil war about to break out. But they couldnt fight a war on two fronts.
  • gaining indepedence (12)

    Sukarno, a man from Indonesia led a group of men to be indeoendent from Dutch.
  • slavery (12)

    Slavery was very common, slave trade was hurting many many lives it was ending league of nations.
  • After WWI (17)

    After WWI it gave the world pre- made alliances when WW2 happened.
  • going down (19)

    When monarchies joined and encouraged to fight disillusion occurred.
  • Erest Hemingway (20)

    The book a farewell to arms by Erest Hemingway was very hard for people to connected to because they didnt see what he saw.
  • art (20)

    art was affected after WWI because it reflected on countries and people in the war.
  • other things (19&20)

    Two writers had told tales of fight, like war, and random things so young children didn't feel comfortable you could say. But totalitarianism helped with that.
  • deaths (11)

    Just about 12 million people died fro the cause of WWI. It had the highest death numbers.
  • deadly (16&17)

    Migration into America was patrolled very well becasue they didnt want communists to posin new emigrants who were at war.
  • something new (17)

    Adolf Hitler gained motivation once he became the third roman emperor.
  • dont understand(20)

    The poeple at home hearing about WWI dont really know what is going on so they act like nothing bad happens being happy.
  • war difficulties (20)

    Most poeple in WWI struggled with them wanting to commit suicide and the war caused many soldiers depression.
  • women arent good enough (12&16)

    After WWI when men came home most of the womens jobs were taken away from them and given to the men.
  • moving (16)

    After WWI many people migrated out because od new countries forming and or diseaes.
  • Wilson's ways (14)

    Woodrow Wilson's basis for a peace settlement was called the fourteen points because the military was struggling.
  • Wilson's ways (14)

    Wilson thought that wanting and solving problems to get peace people needed to have their own motivation and for everyone to be able to have their own nation.
  • Wilson's ideas (14)

    In WWI Wilson thought that absolutism and militarism could not be out of the world by creating goverments that are democratic.
  • giving up land (18)

    In order to creat new countried Germans had to give up much of their land.
  • Versallies (13&17)

    The americans did not love the Treaty of Versallies but so some odd reason when Wilsom came back the population decided to love the treaty, and also another treaty.
  • army problems (14)

    Because the army was huge because of the Treaty of Versailles they needed to start reducing the army.
  • who started what (14&16)

    Germand were upset because an article said them along with Austria-Hungary were responsible for the war being started. Because of that they had to pay Allied governments and people fro damage.
  • treaty (13)

    The treaty with German speaking places of Habsburg state was the treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and was made in Rupublic of Austria.
  • lost power (15)

    Becuase the U.S ended up not joining so it decreased the power of Leauge of nations.
  • Wilson (13)

    Wilsom wanted Leasgue of Nations because we knew that the peace settlement would bring agruvated people because of Great Britian and France would have wanted to revenge.
  • against nations (15&17)

    It was a good idea for the Americans to choose not to join the League of Nations. Normally what happens is a problem would come up and people would not agree to do anything to people who violated international law.
  • Turned down(19)

    U.S had to turn down to join the League of nations but had still pasifsm movements.
  • league (15)

    U.S didnt join because they didnt want to be associated with European affiars. That is called isolation.
  • 1st meeting (15)

    The first Leauge of nations meeting was held on November of 1920. Many of times got disregarded by major powers.
  • France (13)

    Because France lost men because of the German at the Treat of Versailles they wanted to get them back.
  • U.S (13)

    The Treaty of Berlin was signed by the U.S. It allowed them to have all privileges, rights and more.
  • Treaty (15)

    The USSR and Germany formed the Treaty of Rapallo, threating the League through their ecomonic and also militarism.
  • also new (18)

    Iraq, Frans-Jordan, and Syria were also created in the Middle east. There was even more too.
  • new, new, new (18)

    After World War I there was many new countries in Europe like Poland, East Prussia, Yugoslavia, and Lithuania. Then in Russia were Belarus and Ukraine.
  • new boarders (18)

    The new boarders given in Europe brought ethnic minoeities, it started to bring minor threats.
  • S.U. (18)

    New treaties in Europe were being made that were affecting Russia. This is all how Soviet Union was created. But they still needed to work together so they were under the same government.
  • Over (13&16)

    The Austrian Empire took over lands then made them into states like Poland, Czeechoslovakia and The kingdom of slovenes.
  • allowed them (19)

    The belief of WWI allowed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini to be ready to help the people facing depression problems and also other things.
  • WW2 (15)

    This is when world war 2 began. It could be apart of Treaty of Vesilles which had created economic restrian on Germany.