World War I

  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo.
  • Blank Check

    Blank Check
    On July 5, 1914, in Berlin, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany pledges his country’s unconditional support for whatever action Austria-Hungary chooses to take in its conflict with Serbia
  • Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia

    Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • Period: to

    Invading Serbia

    Austria-Hungary repeatedly invades Serbia but is repeatedly repulsed
  • Germany vs. Russia

    Germany vs. Russia
    Germany declared war on Russia
  • Germany vs. France / Invading Belgium

    Germany vs. France / Invading Belgium
    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium
  • Britain vs. Germany

    Britain vs.  Germany
    Britain declares war on Germany
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    US President Woodrow Wilson declares policy of US neutrality
  • Battle of the Frontiers

    Battle of the Frontiers begins
  • Invading France

    Invading France
    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany had to implement the Schlieffen Plan.
  • Japan vs. Germany

    Japan vs. Germany
    Japan declares war on Germany
  • Period: to

    Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg, which Russia loses; Germany's greatest success of the war on Eastern Front
  • Battle of the Marne

    Battle of the Marne
    Battle of the Marne started.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
  • Battle of the Falkland Islands

  • Unofficial Christmas Truce

    Unofficial Christmas truce declared by soldiers along the Western Front