World War I

  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Germany becomes a unified nation

    Germany finished third to Great Britain and France during the scramble for African colonies. Germany was created by Prussia after the defeating the Austrian empire and France in war.France loses status and territory. The Austrian Empire becomes Austria-Hungary, and accepts Germany's leadership in Central Europe.
  • Period: to

    Germany surpasses Britain.

    Germany surpasses Britain as the major industrial power of Europe which led to rivalries amongst European nations.
  • Austria-Hungary becomes in charge

    Austria-Hungary becomes in charge of Bosnia-Herzegovina after recognizing Serbia's independence from the Ottoman Empire. Russia also becomes Serbia's protector.
  • Bismark reduces threat from surrounding countries

    Bismark forms an alliance with Russia and Austria-Hungary called the Three Emperor's Alliance.However tensions between Russia and Austria-Hungary caused the alliance to dissolve.
  • The Triple Alliance is formed

    The Triple Alliance is formed
    Germany forms an alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary to protect itself from France. This deprived France from all of its Allies.
  • The Reinsurance Treaty

    The Reinsurance Treaty
    Bismark keeps France isolated by forming a separate alliance with Russia by making the Reinsurance Treaty.
  • Wilhelm II

    Wilhelm II
    Wilhelm II becomes the new Kaiser and had different interests from Bismark. Wilhelm and other German leaders were more interested in the creating an overseas empire. Bismark is forced to resign, and the Reinsurance Treaty can expire. Wilhelm was more interested in strengthening their Navy. Both of these caused increasing tensions between Russia and Great Britain.
  • Otto Van Bismark is no longer leading Germany.

    Otto Van Bismark was an important figure in creating the Germany that altered the power dynamics of Europe.
  • French and Russian Alliance

    The end of the Reinsurance Treaty gave France a chance to form an alliance with the Russian empire.The French provided support for Russia's railroads and army.
  • Period: to

    The US annexes both Hawaii and the Philippines.

    Hawaii is annexed in 1898. The Philippines is annexed in 1899.
  • Russia's Trans Siberian Railroad is completed

    Russia's Trans Siberian Railroad is completed
    The trans Siberian Railroad was the first to link Europe and Asia and gave Russia a chance to expand trade, landholding, and influence in East Asia.
  • US announces that they will take charge in Latin America.

    US announced that it would take charge in any Latin American nation that could not handle its own affairs.
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    US control over Latin American affairs

    Between 1904-1916, the US' policy blocked European powers from increased control in Latin America to protect their investments, which made the US more powerful. This caused resentment in Latin America.
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    Russia and Japan go to war over Manchuria and Korea.

    Russia and Japan conflicted over resource rich Manchuria. The war ends unsuccessfully for Russia after a forced settlement made by the US, Germany, and Britain. After Russia's loss, Russia refocuses on Europe and is interested in the Balkan Peninsula, which was under Turkish control of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Britain is threatened by Germany

    As Germany becomes an increasing threat to Britain as it continues to modernize and advance its empire, Britain joins the alliance with France and Russia.
  • Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina

    Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina
    The annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina was of special interest to Serbia, which increased nationalism and unrest.
  • Korea becomes a Japanese colony.

    Korea becomes a Japanese colony.
    Russia and Japan are in agreement with Japan's rule over Korea. Manchuria had also already been returned to China.
  • First Balkan War

    First Balkan War
    In support of Serbia's belief for Bosnia-Herzegovina to be apart of Serbia, Russia aids in two Balkan Wars. The first war caused Ottoman rule to end. The Ottoman empire lost 85 percent of its European Territory causing many Muslim Refugees to flee to the Anatolian region.
  • The Second Balkan War

    The Second Balkan War
    The second Balkan war ends with the splitting of Ottoman lands among the Balkan nations. Serbia doubles in size which heightens tensions with Austria-Hungary. Since Austria-Hungary is in control of Bosnia-Herzegovina, tensions rose as well as nationalism within Serbia.
  • The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The rise in Serbian nationalism led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife, who was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by Gavrilo Princip in the city of Sarajevo.
  • Ottoman Empire becomes involved

    The Ottoman Empire becomes involved alongside Germany and Hungary to form the Central Powers
  • The Eastern Front

    The Eastern Front
    The Eastern Front was the name of the battle zones in Eastern Europe. Russia, who were not prepared to engage in battle attacked and invaded Germany after answering to the French's cries for help in hopes of relieving pressure to the Western Front. The Russian force was almost completely destroyed in Tannenberg
  • Period: to

    World War I

    The first world war lasted from 1914-1918 which was longer than what was expected.Growing rivalries resulted in the forming of the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Allied Powers consisted of nations such as Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, and Italy later on while the Central Powers consisted of nations such as Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and later on Bulgaria. The world was at war after the assassination of the heir to Austrian-Hungarian.
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    The Western Front

    Trench warfare was prevalent during the war. The Western Front which stretched from the English Channel to Switzerland, was a product of trench warfare. The Western Front had little success as each side was unable to gain a desired amount of territory from each side.
  • Austria-Hungary vs. Serbian Nationalism

    After Franz Ferdinand's death, Austria-Hungary made a series of demands to Serbia in hopes of them rejecting their demands to create a greater reason for them to go to war with Serbia. However, Serbia adhered to all demands, but Austria Hungary goes to war with them anyway. Just as Germany was involved with Austria-Hungary, Russia was involved as well since they were obligated to protect Serbia.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    After Germany's demands of the halting of Russia's mobilization and the neutrality of France were ignored, they declare war on Russia.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war since France did not adhere to its requests.
  • Belgium is attacked

    Belgium is attacked
    Belgium intended to be neutral during the war, but because The Schlieffen Plan was no longer usable, Germany had to bypass Belgium. Belgium refused, which caused Germany to attack. This brought Great Britain into the war as well.
  • Japan declares war

    Japan declares war
    In hopes of gaining Germany's colonies in Asia as apart of the Allied Powers, Japan declares war.
  • Bulgaria becomes involved

    Bulgaria becomes involved
    Bulgaria joins the war alongside the Central Powers.
  • Italy becomes involved

    Italy becomes involved
    Italy once neutral, joins the war with the Allied Powers.
  • Germany utilizes poison gas

    Germany utilizes poison gas
  • Austria conquer Serbia

    Austria conquer Serbia
  • The Allies' defeat in Gallipoli

    The Allies' defeat in Gallipoli
    Naval force consisting of the British, French, and colonial troops are responsible for the fighting in Gallipoli for the Allies' gain with the goal of capturing Constantinople to gain access to the Black Sea to provide Russia with resources it desperately needed. Allies withdrew in defeat after too many casualties and lack of success.
  • African Soldier involvement

    German East Africa's east African soldiers surrender to Allied troops, after holding their own for 3 years until the Allied forces surrender in November of 2018
  • German troops try to break the stalemate

    The stalemate hindered both sides' chances of gaining success, so in effort to break the stalemate. Germany smashes through French defenses in the town of Verdun.
  • Battle of Somme river

    Battle of Somme river
    The Allied Powers tried to retaliate in the same fashion Germany had done with the town of Verdun. Tanks were also first used during this battle.
  • Austria conquers Romania

  • Turks defeat British colonial troops from India

    The allies had little success early in the war.
  • South African involvement

    Rebellion ending in February of 1916 between Allied troops and pro German South African soldiers
  • Period: to

    Cost of the War

    War was very costly for all involved. The costs include shortages of: food, fuel, and materials, the decrease in trade, and rationing of food. This caused a lot of unrest among nations which resulted in food riots and strikes. War also caused inflation and increase of prices, for example Italy's prices increased by 700 percent during the war. Many lives were lost, which caused for men to be drafted into the war.
  • Russia is pulled out of the war

    The war drained a lot of Russia's resources causing the collapse of the Russian government. Russia's new government signs a peace agreement with the Central Powers.
  • Airplanes are in use and peace movements among European Nations.

    Airplanes are in use and peace movements among European Nations.
    Airplanes were used to spy on the enemy as well as drop bombs and direct artillery fire. The detrimental effects of the war called for the forming of Peace movements among European nations.
  • The British Capture Jerusalem

  • The Allied Powers surrender

  • Armenian Genocide

    Many Armenian lives were lost, and there was a significant decrease in the Armenian population due to the effects of the War. The population decreased from 2.13 million to 387,000.