
World War I

By ReeseO
  • Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    Franz Ferdinand Assassination
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand instigated the beginning of WWI.
  • Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia
    When Serbia's Gavrilo Princip assassinated the archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinad, and his wife, they got very angry. They declared war on Serbia, and because of that, Serbia's allies declared war on Austria Hungary, and Austria-Hungary's allies declared war on a different country, and etc...This was the main cause of WW1 starting.
  • First use of a gas as a weapon by the Germans

    First use of a gas as a weapon by the Germans
    The Germans used bombs filled with poisonous gas, and threw them at the enemies. Later, all countries learned this skill and developed new, more poisonous gasses to use.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    German U-Boats attacked the passenger ship, Lusitania, and this caused lots of commotion. America got very angry that this happened, and Germany declared that they would attack any ship leaving, or coming to Great Britain
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    Germany sent a telegram on a "secure" line, and Britain intercepted the message. It was headed to Mexico, asking them to invade America and try and take back states.
  • US Declares war

    US Declares war
    US decides to enter world war 1.
  • Wilson Re-Elected; pledged America neutrality

    Wilson Re-Elected; pledged America neutrality
    President Woodrow Wilson was re-elected for a second term, pledging to keep America out of the war.
  • Bolsheviks led by Lenin overthrow Russian government

    Bolsheviks led by Lenin overthrow Russian government
    The Bolsheviks overthrew Vladimir Lenin and set up a new gov't.
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, where 27 nations gathered around in Paris, France.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles stated that Germany had to pay the Allies billions of dollars,