World War I

  • World War I

    The archduke's murdering, colonialism, nationalism and the economic rivalry between the main powers led to the beginning of the World War I.
  • World War I

    Archduke Francesco Ferdinando was murdered by a Serbian nationalist
  • World War I

    Austria declares war to Serbia: beginning of the war
  • World War I

    The succession of declarations of war leds to the creation of two different sides: Triplice Intesa (Russia, France and Great Britain) against Triplice Alleanza (Germany, Austria and Italy)
  • World War I

    German advance in France stopped during the Battle of the Marne
  • World War I

    After a discussion about going or not to war, Italy went to war by signing the "Patto di Londra" against Austria
  • World War I

    Italy declares war to Germany
  • World War I

    The United States went to war against Germany
  • World War I

    Rotta di Caporetto on the italian front
  • World War I

    Brest-Litovsk treaty
  • World War I

    Italian victory in the "Battaglia del Piave"
  • World War I

    Ending of the World War I
  • Period: to

    World War I

    Birth of the society of nations and signing of peace treaties