World War I

By isabelk
  • Bismark and his alliances

    To maintain the peace necessary for the consolidation of the empire, he proposed to advance a strong military program, to gain the friendship of Austria, to preserve British friendship by avoiding naval or colonial rivalry, and to isolate France in diplomacy so that revanche would be impossible. Therefore, in 1872, he formed the Three Emperors' League (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia) and also maintained friendly relations with Italy.
  • Three Emperors League

    Three Emperors League
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    Triple Alliance/ Cenral Powers

    find actual dates
  • Triple Alliance/Central Powers

    Triple Alliance/Central Powers
    A military Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy opposing the triple entente; lasted from 1882 to the end of WW1
  • Russian Reinsurance Treaty

    Russian Reinsurance Treaty
    Linked the monarchs of Autria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia in an alliance agaisnt radical movements. An attempt by Bismark to continue ally with Russia after League of the three Emperors had broken down from the Serb-Bulgarian War; felt it was essential to prevent a Russian convergence towards France and to continue French isolation.
  • Emperor William II

    Emperor William II
  • Bismarck's Resignation

    Bismarck's Resignation
    A key difference between Wilhelm II and Bismarck was their approaches to handling political crises, especially in 1889, when German coal miners went on strike in Upper Silesia. Bismarck demanded that the German Army be sent in to crush the strike, but Wilhelm II rejected this authoritarian measure, responding "I do not wish to stain my reign with the blood of my subjects." Instead of condoning repression, Wilhelm had the government negotiate with a delegation from the coal miners, which brought
  • Alexander III and Franco Russian Alliance

    Alexander III and Franco Russian Alliance
    Last German keiser and king of Prussia (ruled German Empire and kingdom of Prussia from 1882 to 1918) grandson of British Queen Victoria; in 1890 launched a "New Course" of forgeign affairs that culminated his support for Austria Hungary in the crisis of July 1914 that ledto WWI
  • Admiral Alfred von Tripitz

    Admiral Alfred von Tripitz
    German Admiral, Secretary of State of the German Imperial Naval Office, the powerful administrative branch of the German Imperial Navy from 1897 until 1916.
  • South African War

    South African War
  • South African War

    South African War
    Fought between the British Empire and the Boer South African Republic and its Orange Free State ally, it was the culmination of longstanding tensions in southern Africa.
  • Total War

    Total War
    A total war is a war in which a nation will mobilize all their availabe recources in order to win. World War I is said to become a "total war" during the industrial age, when there were strong advances in the types of weaponry being used.
  • Anglo French Entente

    Anglo French Entente
    Theophile Delcasse was one of the principal architects of the Anglo-French Entante Cordiale of 1904. As minister for Foreign Affairs from 1898 Delcasse helped foster closer Anglo-French diplomacy until, int the wake of the Morocccan Crisis of 1905 he was forced to resign.
  • Schlieffen Plan

    Schlieffen Plan
    This plan was develped by Count Alfred con Schleiffen. It was Germany's plan should they ever be faced with a two front war.
  • Algerciras Conferance

    Algerciras Conferance
    1906 took place in Algeciras, Spain, and lasted from January 16 to April 7. The purpose of the conference was to find a soltion to the First Moroccan Crisis between France and Germany, which arose as Germany attempted to prevent France from establishing a protectorate over Morocco.
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    Algecerias Conference

  • Anglo-Russian Agreement

    Anglo-Russian Agreement
    An attempt by the Foreign Offices of London and St. Petersburg to define the northern boundary of Afghanistan.
  • First Balkan War

    First Balkan War
    Russia threat to fight Austria-Hungary for taking Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Second Balkan War

    Second Balkan War
    In 1912, Serbia Greece, Bulgaria and Montengro attacked Turkey. In 1913, Serbia defeated Bulgaria. Austria-Hungary prevented Serb expansion to the Adriatic Sea; Russian support for Serbia, and Germany forced Russia to back down.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Letter from United Kingdoms foreign secretary Arthur Balfour as the king's order for the reconstruction of Palestine.
  • War Raw Materials Board

    War Raw Materials Board
    created in Germany by a Jewish Industrialist Walter Rathenau. It was used to ration and distrubute all of Germany's war materials.It also launched a campaign to try and find substitues for materials that were in short supply.
  • The Balkans and Balkan Nationalism

    The Balkans and Balkan Nationalism
    This started with the Black Hand. Because of Serbian definace, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1908.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Black Hand
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    An Archduke of Austria-Este, Austro-Hungarian and Royal Prince of Hungary and of Bohemia, and from 1889 until his death, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of wasr a gainst Servia. This caused the Central Powers and Allies of WW1 to declare war on each other, starting World War 1.
  • "Blank Check"

    "Blank Check"
    Telegram from Imperial Chancellor Von Bethmann Hollweg to the German Ambassador at Vienna
  • Autria Hungary's Unconditional Ultimatum

    Autria Hungary's Unconditional Ultimatum
    1914, Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with an unconditional ultimatum on July 23rd that said they had to give power/control of Serbia over to the Austrians, they responded moderaty but evasively and on July 28th, Austria-Hungary declared war.
  • German Subordination of political considerations

    German Subordination of political considerations
    Germany'y plan to fight a two front war showed subordination of their political considerations. They wanted to eliminate France through Belgium. This brought in Britain.
  • Triple Entente/ Allied Powers

    Triple Entente/ Allied Powers
    Name given to Great Britain, France, and Russia after signing the Anglo Russian Entente in 1907. Were a counterweight to the triple alliance in Germany.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Thousands of eager men signed up for the war to prepare trenches for the front lines
  • Russian Mobilization

    Russian Mobilization
    When Russia entered the war, they had the largest army in the world. They launched their first offensice against East Prussia in August of 1914.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    Resulted in the Allied Victory against the German Army. Also ended the month long German offensive that started the war
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    Race to the Sea

    Last mobile phase of the war of the Western Front
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    Battles of Tannenberg and Maurian Lakes

    Battle of Tannenberg was the most spectacular and complete German Victory of World War I.Encircled and destructed the Russian Second Army. Battle of Maurian Lakes second German Victory.
  • fisrt use of poison gas

    fisrt use of poison gas
    Germans use poison gas during war which startes the second battle of the Ypres.
  • Lusitania

    Loaded in New York with medicine, meat, copper ect. Was also secretly being loaded with munitions for Britain Going from New York east of the English Channel to destroy ships going to and from Liverpool, England
  • German U-Boats

    German U-Boats
    German U-Boats appear for the first time in U.S. waters.
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    Battle of Verdun

    One of the longest and most devastating battles of World War I. It was fought between the German and French armies.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This was the largest naval battle of the war. It was between the Germans and the British and took place in the North Sea, near Jutland, Denmark.
  • David Lloyd George

    David Lloyd George
    British Liberal politician and satesman. He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the head of a wartime coalition government between the years 1916-1922 and ws the Leader of the Liberal Party from 1926-1931.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    Took place on either side of the Somme River. The battle was the British Imperial terretories and France against Germany. The Battle of Somme was one of the largest battles of World War I, was also one of the bloodiest.
  • Hindenburg and Ludendorff

    Hindenburg and Ludendorff
    Supreme army commander Paul Von Hindenburg, and his deputy cheif of staff, Erich Ludendorff. They made their reputaions at Tannenburg and other Western front
  • German Auxilery Service Law

    All males ages 17-60 were required to work in jobs contributing to the war effort.
  • U.S. enters the war

    U.S. enters the war
    After the sinking of the Lusitania, the U.S. joins the war on the allies side
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    The U.S. formally declared war on Germany after a telegram from Germany to Mexico was intercepted and decoded. The note was asking the Mexicans to form an alliance with Germany against the U.S.
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    Georges Clemenceau

    Prime Minister of France and led France for the last year of World War I. Also took part in the design of the Treaty of Verssailles.
  • Peace Conference of Paris 1919

    Peace Conference of Paris 1919
    meeting of allied victors following the end of World War I to set peace terms for the defeated Central Powers following armistices of 1918.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litosvk

    Ended the war between Germany and Russia. This was the first act of Lennin.
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    Second Marne

    The last major German spring offensive on the Western front during World War I.
  • Peace note to U.S.

    Peace note to U.S.
    Germany and Austria send a peace note to Woodrow Wilson requesting an armistace
  • Armistice

    Generally referred to the agreement between the Germans and Allies to end World War I.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Signed by Germany and the allied powers at the Palace of Versailles. The document featured 440 articles. It ended the state of war between Germany. The document was signed exactly five years after the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • War Guilt Clause

    War Guilt Clause
    Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, the first article of "reparations" of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • German Revolution of 1918

    German Revolution of 1918
    Revolution period that lasted from November 1918 until the formal establishment of Weinmar Republic in August 1919.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Established after World War I as a result of the Paris Peace Conference. First organization whose primary goal was world peace.
  • Submarine Warefare

    find date
  • "All Quiet on the Western Front"

    A novel by Erich Maria Remarque. Describes what the soldiers during World War I had to go through; their extreme physical and mental pains and stress.