world war 2 timeline by taylor walker

  • 1933

    This was the worst year of the depression with unemployment peaking at 25.2% with,1 in 4 people unemployed in 1933. Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany.
  • 1934

    • saw the turning point in the great depression in America with unemployment decreasing to 22 percent. But in other parts of the world some of the political changes occurring would cause the next world war, in Germany Adolf Hitler declared himself the fuhrer, in Russia Stalin began his massacres and in China Mao Tse-Tung spread the communist doctrine.
  • 1935

    The years of depression continued in with unemployment still running at 20.1 percent, and the war clouds were gathering as Germany began to rearm and passed the Nuremburg laws to strip Jews of their civil rights, and Mussolini's Italy attacked Ethiopia
  • 1936

    The depression lingered on with unemployment continuing to fall to 16.9 percent, and Hitler’s Germany continued to show the world it was not scared of anyone but the 1936 Olympics caused Hitler humiliation when the great Jesse Owens dominated his Aryan Supermen. Germany's Hitler, Italy's Mussolini and Japan formed an alliance, which would show it's real reason for creation in World War 2.
  • 1937

    • Unemployment continued to drop to 14.4 percent dropping some 6.7 percent from the previous year. And the Engineering feat of the Golden Gate bridge opening gave Americans great pride, and the Millionaire Inventor / Industrialist set a new air record by completing the flight from Los Angeles to New York in 7 hours 28 seconds
  • 1938

    following a number of years of success with the US economy a recession hit which caused unemployment to rise back to 19%. The law changed in the US that meant the minimum hourly wage was 40 cents per hour for a 44-hour working week
  • 1939

    Germany and the Soviet Union attacked Poland and Britain, France, India, Australia and New Zealand declared war on Germany on September 31, the United States decided to remain neutral but did begin rearming for war, which helped end the great depression. The United States also hosted the Worlds Fair in New York early in the year
  • 1940

    Marvel Comics introduces superhero Captain America in March 1941. After approximately 14 years, carving at Mount Rushmore concludes in October 1941. Diarist Anne Frank and her family go into hiding in the "Achterhuis" on July 6, 1942, in Amsterdam.
  • 1941

    Netherlands begins taxing wages. Russian general Zhukov appointed chief of general staff. World War II: German bombing severely damages the Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, Wales. Kuomintang forces under orders from Chiang Kai-Shek open fire at communist forces, resuming the Chinese Civil War after World War II.
  • 1942

    Following the US entering the war, the mobilization of war efforts were quick and effective with car makers and other manufacturers changing to production of weapons of war .The war also created a new breed of movies with war themes, and one of the most popular songs of all time "White Christmas" from Bing Crosby first appeared in the movie "Holiday Inn".
  • 1943

    Following American involvement in the war manufacturers around the US became as efficient at producing war machines as they had been producing other goods with companies like ford and managing to change from cars to bombs and aircraft engines and at the same time due to the number of men overseas fighting the war using more women for manufacturing a total of 18 million women were employed. Due to shortages America sees it's first rationing
  • 1944

    On June sixth 1944 the D-DAY invasion starts with allied forces crossing the English Channel to land in Normandy, which signaled the end of the war in Europe. Meanwhile London had the first attacks from V2 rockets, which caused further devastation to an already badly bombed city.
  • 1945

    Following effects from Polio as a young man President Roosevelt died on April 12th. Following the defeat of Germany in early 1945 the war officially ended in Europe on may 17 1945. President Harry S.