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World War 2 Events

  • Nazi's invaded Germany

    Nazi's invaded Germany
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party gain control of Germany
  • Germany seized lands

    Germany seized lands
    Germany begins seizing European lands lost in World War 1.
  • Germany started World War 2.

    Germany started World War 2.
    Germany invades Poland, starting World War 2.
  • Japan strikes

    Japan strikes
    Japan attacks the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor
  • Stalingrad battle begins

    Stalingrad battle begins
    The Battle of Stalingrad begins
  • U.S. Wins

    U.S. Wins
    The U.S. wins the battle of Midway
  • Manhattan project

    Manhattan project
    The Manhattan project begins
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    The Nazis developed their "Final Solution."
  • Axis surrender

    Axis surrender
    The Allies force the Axis powers to surrender in North Africa
  • U.S. takes Guadalcanal

    U.S. takes Guadalcanal
    The U.S. takes Guadalcanal
  • Ghetto Uprising

    Ghetto Uprising
    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising occurs.
  • Allies Win

    Allies Win
    The Allies conquer Italy
    June- D-Day invasion occurs
    December- The Allies win the Battle of Bulge
  • D-Day invasion

    D-Day invasion
    The D-Day invasion occurs
  • Two wars ended

    Two wars ended
    May- Germany surrenders, ending the war in Europe.
    August- The United States drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    August- Japan surrenders, ending the war in the Pacific.
  • Allie troops liberate

    Allie troops liberate
    Allied troops liberate Jews and others from Nazi concentration camps across central Europe