World War 2

By Hoosem
  • Policy of appeasement

    Policy of appeasement
    Middle to late 1930s Britain’s Policy of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked.
  • Hitler becomes Furher

    Hitler becomes Furher
    With the death of German president, Adolf Hitler takes an oath to become absolute dictator of Germany and the last remnant of democracy in Germany disappear.
  • Hitler Violates Treaty

    Hitler Violates Treaty
    Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing Military force.
  • Ally powers declare war

    Ally powers declare war
    Britain, France, Australia, and New Zealand declare war. The US was not yet in the war
  • Non-Agression Pact

    Non-Agression Pact
    The soviets and Nazis sign a non Agression pact, this is important because their ideals state they should not be allies. So this pact shocks the world
  • Nazis Invade Poland

    Nazis Invade Poland
    Nazis Invade Poland this marks the beginning of the war
  • The US proclaims its Nuetrality

    The US proclaims its Nuetrality
    The US proclaims its nuetrality, trying to stay out of the way after ww1 and the stock market crash left the US in the Great Depression. This meant the allies lost a powerful nation and the axis powers grew a huge advantage.
  • Dunkirk

    The evacuation of Dunkirk was a hard blow for the allies, they had to evacuate Dunkirk, a small town on the coast of France, giving away the country to Germany.
  • Italy declares war

    Italy declares war
    Italy declares War on Britain and France, this gave Germany another ally and also started to give Roosevelt incentive to join the fight,
  • France signs an armistice

    France signs an armistice
    France signs an armistice to Germany, giving the country over peacefully. This means Britain is the last ally country standing, having to fight the axis powers by itself
  • Roosevelt Re-elected

    Roosevelt Re-elected
    Roosevelt is re-elected as president, he becomes the first and last president to serve 4 terms.
  • London is bombed

    London is bombed
    Germany heavily bombs London. Being the last ally, it looks as if the war is over, as Britain’s cities are in ruin.
  • Nazis break the non aggression pact

    Nazis break the non aggression pact
    Nazis attack the Soviet Union, breaking the non-aggression pact. The allies gain the Soviet Union and become even stronger.
  • US freezes assets

    US freezes assets
    US freezes Japans assets and ceases relations, angering the nation even more.
  • US Oil embargo

    US Oil embargo
    US puts oil embargos on aggressors showing they’re not truly “neutral” and support the allies.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor, a US navy base is bombed by Japan. This causes the US to join the war
  • US declares War

    US declares War
    Britain and the US declare war on Japan, meaning the allies now have a huge advantage.
  • Midway

    The Battle of Midway was the turning point in the pacific, when Japan was officially on the defensive side of the war
  • Italians surrender

    Italians surrender
    Italians surrender to the allies, this is the first axis power to surrender, a huge win in the war
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Hitler commits suicide, ending the European leg of the war