World War 2

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler is voted and elected Chancellor of Germany.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia under Prime Minister Mussolini.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    This act banded the travel of balligerent ships as well as trade with balliegerent ships.
  • Japan defeats China

    Japan defeats China
    The Japanese defeat China and take control of northern China.
  • Attack on the Panay

    Attack on the Panay
    The Japanese bomb the American boat named Panay.
  • March of Time

    March of Time
    The Nazi propaganda was released in Nazi Germany
  • Hitler joins Japan

    Hitler joins Japan
    Hitler announces his support for Japan.
  • Mussolini joins Hitler

    Mussolini joins Hitler
    The racist leader of Italy promises to fight alongside Hitler if war broke out.
  • Naval Expansion Act

    Naval Expansion Act
    The U.S Army gives Roosevelt one billion dollars to enlarge the navy.
  • Sudetenland and Appeasement

    Sudetenland and Appeasement
    The leaders of France and Great Britian meet with German leaders to discuss Germany and to keep the peace.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    German troops invade Poland and the Air Force bombs polish cities.
  • Britain and France declare war

    Britain and France declare war
    Britain and France declare war on Germany in order to keep their commitment to Poland.
  • Allied Support Grows

    Allied Support Grows
    The Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies is founded.
  • Hitler seizes Low Countries

    Hitler seizes Low Countries
    Hitler takes control of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg.
  • Italy Attacks France

    Italy Attacks France
    Benito Mussolini's Italian forces attack France from the south.
  • Congress Enacts Draft

    Congress Enacts Draft
    Congress appropriates $16 billion for defense needs and denpacts the first draft in America.
  • 7 Dec 1940, Japanese Code Cracked

    7 Dec 1940, Japanese Code Cracked
    The Americans crack Japanese code and learned they were planning to overthrow China.
  • 16 Jun 1941, Axis Consulates Closed

    16 Jun 1941, Axis Consulates Closed
    Roosevelt demands Germany and Italy lose their American consultants located in the U.S.
  • 3 Nov 1941, Japanese Decide to Attack

    3 Nov 1941, Japanese Decide to Attack
    The Japanese government decides to attack Pearl Harbour as negotiations with the US starts to fail.
  • 8 Sep 1943, Italy Surrenders

    8 Sep 1943, Italy Surrenders
    The Italian government officially surrenders to the Allied powers, German forces still occupy most of Italy.
  • 6 Jun 1944, D-day

    6 Jun 1944, D-day
    D-day, or the invasion of Normandy, occured on the coast of France on this day to defeat the Axis troops.
  • 8 May 1945, Victory Day

    8 May 1945, Victory Day
    The first day dedicated to the Victory of the Allied troops in WWII
  • 2 Sep 1945, Surrender of Japan

    2 Sep 1945, Surrender of Japan
    Japan surrenders, marking the official close of WWII