Period: to
Canada from 1914 to 1929
This time period was an overall progress for Canada. This time period was an overall progress for Canada because its progresses had a greater impact on Canadians than its declines did. This is proven when adding up all the rankings. When adding up all the rankings it should equal +3. Since this number is greater than 0, this time period is proven to be slightly more of an overall progress for Canada. -
+1 French-Canadian Soldiers (People) (Social)
This time period is a lot of progress for the French-Canadian soldiers because it allowed them to be promoted to higher ranks within the Canadian. This is what brought Canada one step closer to becoming the multilingual country we know it as today. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was effective. It was effective because it made Canada more accepting to different languages. -
+2 Black Canadian Soldiers (People) (Social)
This time period was a lot of progress for black Canadian soldiers because they proved that they were just as worthy to be apart of the Canadian army as white men were. This was a big step towards racial equality in Canada as it challenged the stereotype that white men were better than black people. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was very effective. It was very effective as it helped Canada become more accepting to different cultures and races. -
+1 The Economy (Development) (Economical)
This time period was progress for the economy as it created many job opportunities for Canadians. Unemployment vanished as hundreds of thousands of people were hired in factories. This gave many Canadians the opportunity to make money to financially support themselves and their family. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war were effective. It was effective because it improved the Canadian economy. -
-1 Conscription (Event) (Political)
Conscription was a decline for Canada because it had many negative¬ effects on Canadians. Conscription made many Canadians angry because they felt that the government had no right to force men to join the Canadian army. This greatly divided the country and led to four days of rioting in Montreal. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was ineffective. It was ineffective because Canadians refused to obey the government by replacing the Canadian army’s dead soldiers. -
-2 Enemy Aliens (People) (Political and Social)
This time period was a lot of decline for “Enemy aliens”. Canadians of German and Austro-Hungarian Background were often referred
to as “aliens” on Canadian newspapers. They were also stripped of their right to vote. Thousands of enemy aliens were also imprisoned in camps. In these camps they worked hard labour for only 25 cents a day. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was very ineffective. It was very ineffective as all Canadians were not treated equally. -
+2 Nurses Overseas (People) (Social and Political)
This time period was a lot of progress for nurses overseas because they helped women move away from the stereotype that they were not as good as men and were “weak” and “useless”. Nurses overseas helped people realize how tough women really were. This is what led to women gaining the right to vote. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was very effective. It was very effective as it was a big step closer to gender equality in Canada. -
+1 War Artists (People) (Social)
This time period was progress for war artists as it gave them an opportunity to get their names recognized. Artists tried to capture as much as they could including women working in factories, fields, and soldiers in combat. This allowed for people to see what war was like even after it happened. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was effective. It was effective because it gave Canadian artists recognition which would later attract more immigrants. -
-2 First Nations Children (People) (Social)
This time period was a lot of decline for First Nations children because they were forced to attend residential schools. Attending these schools was a decline for First Nations children because they were punished both physically and sexually. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was very ineffective. It was very ineffective as They were taught that their cultural practices were wrong and would be punished for doing things as little as speaking in their own language. -
+2 Women (People) (Social and Economical)
This time period was a lot of progress for Women as it benefitted them greatly. A thing that benefitted them was the modern products that the 1920s had to offer. Modern products benefitted them as it has lightened their workload. Another thing that benefitted them was having more jobs available to them. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war were very effective. It was effective because it gave women many more opportunities and improved gender equality in Canada. -
-1 Chuck Lee (People) (Social)
This time period was a decline for Chuck Lee as he was discriminated in Canada. Not only could he not live with his new wife, but he was also never hired because he was Chinese. This was unfair because no matter how smart Chuck Lee may have been, he never got hired because of something he had no control of. Therefore, Canadas response to the consequences of war was ineffective. It was ineffective as it did not allow for some cultures to immigrate to Canada and increase its population.