World War 1 Timeline - Morgan R

  • Woodrow Wilson is President

    Woodrow Wilson is President
    28th president 1913-1921 (Democrat)
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Major war involving most of the world powers, taking place from 1914-1919
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    German U boat sinks British ship, killing almost 2000 people
  • First Woman Elected to Congress

    First Woman Elected to Congress
    Jeannette Rankin was elected as first woman into congress
  • Great migration

    The movement of African Americans from the south to bigger cities in the north
  • Espionage act

    Espionage act
    Act that made criticizing government illegal
  • Selective Service Act

    Act authorized by US government to raise conscription for World war 1
  • Russian Revolution

    Revolution in Russia led by Vladimir Lenin
  • Spanish Flu

    Deadly disease that killed a lot of people mostly in Europe and North America
  • Sedition Act

    Seduction ac of 1918 was an act to silence people critical of government
  • Wilson’s 14 Points

    Statement of principles for peace following end of WW1.
  • Senate Rejects Treaty of Versailles

    Senate rejects Wilson’s 14 point plans, which includes not entering into League of Nations
  • Schenck Vs. US

    Landmark Supreme Court case dealing with espionage act of 1917
  • 19th amendment

    The right for women to vote
  • First licensed radio broadcast heard in Pittsburgh

  • Teapot dome scandal

    Teapot dome scandal
    Bribery scandal during Harding’s administration
  • Made a law all native Americans are citizens of the United States

  • Charles Lindbergh flew solo from New York to Paris

  • Iron lung created

    Iron lung created
  • Decade of depression/stock market crash