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APUSH Period 7 Part 3

  • The Niagara Movement

    The Niagara Movement
    This was one of many reform movements prior to the 1920's that allowed for the Harlem Renaissance to take place.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The Great Migration allowed for the Harlem Renaissance to take place.
  • The Lost Generation

    The Lost Generation
    The Lost Generation is the generation of artists that came of age during WWI and the 1920's. These artists often were very cynical about democracy and life itself, having witnessed firsthand the horrors of the early 20th century.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Although this amendment was passed earlier, the 1920's was characterized by large-scale bootlegging in blatant disobedience of the law.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    These were a series of raids conducted by the US Department of Justice that attempted to arrest communists and radical leftists following the Red Scare.
  • Economic Recession

    Economic Recession
    This was a recession following the effects of WWI.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    This was an act to support the enforcement of the 18th amendment. This was economic in nature, because it reduced the potential profit of certain industries.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    This was a movement centered in Harlem, New York. It focused on African-American advancement.
  • Growing Popularity of Jazz

    Growing Popularity of Jazz
    Jazz was a musical genre that gained popularity during the Harlem Renaissance. Many African-American artists contributed to its popularization.
  • Speakeasies

    Following the 18th amendment, prohibition was protested by many people. Illegal bars called speakeasies distributed illegal alcohol.
  • Widespread Use of the Automobile

    Widespread Use of the Automobile
    The roaring 20's would not have been possible without the use of automobiles such as the Model-T.
  • Georgia O'keeffe Flower Paintings

    Georgia O'keeffe Flower Paintings
    Georgia O'keeffe was an artist that became popular during the 1920's. There were various new movements in art forms at the time, and her work tended to be more conventional.
  • Election of 1920

    Election of 1920
    This election was focused almost entirely on the aftermath of WWI. Harding became president.
  • Start of the Bull Market

    Start of the Bull Market
    Following the recession of 1920, the national economy surged into a bull market that would continue into the late 1920's.
  • Emergency Immigration Act of 1921

    Emergency Immigration Act of 1921
    This was the first law to place a numerical limit on the immigration rates from European countries.
  • Railway Shopmen's Strike

    Railway Shopmen's Strike
    This was a nationwide strike for railway workers that lasted for months before eventually collapsing.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    This limited the number of immigrants that could come from each country based on a percentage of the 1890 census.
  • Election of 1924

    Election of 1924
    Calvin Coolidge won this election by a landslide following the death of President Harding.
  • The New Negro Published

    The New Negro Published
    This was a book about the changing identities that African-Americans were able to take on during the 1920's.
  • The State of Tennessee vs. John Scopes

    The State of Tennessee vs. John Scopes
    This was a trial regarding the teaching of evolution in schools. Religious organizations believed that it should be prohibited.
  • The Butler Act

    The Butler Act
    The Butler Act was a law in Tennessee that prohibited teachers from teaching evolution in public schools.
  • The Great Gatsby Published

    The Great Gatsby Published
    This was a book that highlighted the meaninglessness of the modern way of American life in the 1920's.
  • The Sun Also Rises Published

    The Sun Also Rises Published
    This was a book by Ernest Hemingway, an author who was part of the Lost Generation.
  • Federal Radio Commission

    Federal Radio Commission
    This allowed the government to regulate the radio industry, making it less monopolized and more structured.
  • Dream Variations

    Dream Variations
    Dream Variations was a poem written by Langston Hughes. It highlights the African-American's desire for freedom and acceptance.
  • Election of 1928

    Election of 1928
    Herbert Hoover won this election.
  • A Farewell To Arms Published

    A Farewell To Arms Published
    This was a book by Ernest Hemingway. He fought in WWI, and depicted its horrors in his work.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression began following the Stock Market crash of 1929.
  • Increased Federal Spending

    Increased Federal Spending
    One of Herbert Hoover's policies in response to the Great Depression was to increase federal spending.
  • Black and Blue

    Black and Blue
    Black and Blue was a jazz song that was made popular by Louis Armstrong.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    This event marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl accented the already terrible effects of the Great Depression for the Midwest.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    This was one of the policies that Herbert Hoover used to combat the Great Depression. This particular development would later be used more extensively in the New Deal.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    This was a law that allowed the President to regulate wages and prices of industries in order to monitor the economy's recovery, following the stock market crash of 1929.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    This act attempted to stabilize the public banking system.
  • Glass-Steagall Act

    Glass-Steagall Act
    This act specifies certain roles that both commercial and investment banking would assume.
  • Securities Act

    Securities Act
    This act required that investors receive financial information regarding investments for sale.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    This corporation was created in order to restore trust in the public banking system.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    This create protocol for the government to pay farmers subsidies for burning their crops and to not plant.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    This amendment ended prohibition.
  • Income and Wealth Taxes

    Income and Wealth Taxes
    This increased taxes on the wealthy in order to help out the poor.
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    This act focused on helping poor Indians during the Great Depression.
  • Virgin Islands Company

    Virgin Islands Company
    This company was started in an effort to re-boost the Virgin Islands' sugar and rum industry.
  • Securities Exchange Act

    Securities Exchange Act
    This act allowed the government to monitor the transactions of investments.
  • Gold Reserve Act

    Gold Reserve Act
    This required that any gold in possession of the Federal Reserve be given to the US Treasury Department.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    This was the worst dust storm of the dust bowl.
  • Banking Act of 1935

    Banking Act of 1935
    This changed the structure of the Federal Reserve.
  • US Travel Bureau

    US Travel Bureau
    The purpose of this Bureau was to market the existing National Parks in order to gain revenue.