World War 1 + Russian Revolution

  • Serfdom is abolished by Alexander II

  • War Japan - Russia

  • Revolution - Bloody Sunday - Creation of Duma

  • Period: to

    Morocco Crisis

  • Period: to

    Balkan Crisis + Two Balkan ars

  • Assasination in Sarajevo of Franz Ferdinand

  • War of Movements

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Trench Warfare

  • February Revolution in Russia

  • Lenin arrives to Russia

  • October Revolution - Bolsheviks in power

  • Usa enters the war

  • Russia signs armistice

  • Blafour Declaration

  • Treaty of Brest Litovsk

  • Period: to

    Civil War - Russia

  • Germany signs armistice - the war ends

  • Creation of USSR

  • Death of Lenin

  • Period: to

    Stalin's Regime in Russia