Triple Alliance is formed between Germany, A-H, and Italy
The alliance was formed between these 3 nations to have one another’s backs throughout the war. Otto van Bismarck sought to get allies in order to isolate France. Although this alliance system was designed to keep peace in Europe, the alliance systems would help push the entire continent of Europe into war. The triple alliance was formed to go against France, Great Britain, and Russia. -
Kaiser Wilhelm II changed foreign policy, forced Bismarck to resign
Wilhelm II did not wish to share power with anyone, so he forced Bismarck to resign in order to assert his own power to show the world just how powerful Germany had become. Wilhelm let his treaty with Russia expire leaving Russia to form an alliance with France. Due to Wilhelm's actions, Germany would be forced to fight a two-front war. -
Britian formed entente with France
Britian formed an alliance, or entente with France. They both signed the Entente cordiale that marked an end to a millennium of violence between the two countries. -
Triple Entente is formed between Great Britian, France, and Russia
Like the triple alliance, the triple entente alliance system also had the intentions of stabilizing peace in Europe, they lead to the involvement of the entire continent of Europe into war. The triple entente did not bing Britain to fight with France and Russia, but it almost certainly ensure that Britain would not fight against them. (blue shaded regions make up the triple entente) -
Ferdinand and Sophie visit Sarajevo and are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
At the time, Bosnia was part of the Eastern European empire that was ruled by A-H. The Black Hand wanted Bosnia to break away from A-H and join Serbia. Ferdinand’s visit angered members of the Black Hand, a Serbian terrorist group, because he was visiting on a day that marked the day of enslavement of the Serbians under the Ottoman Turks. After Ferdinand’s assassination, A-H accused the Serbian government of organizing the archdukes murder. When A-H threatened war, Russia moved to protect Serbia -
Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum
Austria’s ultimatum to Serbia contained numerous demands. Serbia, knowing that refusing the ultimatum would lead to war against Austria, agreed to most of Austria’s demands but offered to have several others settled by international conference. -
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
Austria-Hungary rejected Serbia’s offer to negotiate parts of their ultimatum and declared war on Serbia. The very next day, Russia ordered its forces to mobilize and to prepare for war. Austria-Hungary’s ally, Germany, called on Russia to cancel the mobilization order. -
Germany declared war on Russia
Germany declared war on Russia after Russia did not reply to Germany’s call for Russia to cancel the mobilization order. Tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia ignited the system of alliances that ran a fateful course toward war. -
Germany declared war on France
Germany declared war on Russia’s ally, France. Even though France did not partake in any direct conflict with Germany, Germany declared war on France simply because of their alliance with Russia. -
Britian declared war on Germany
Britain declared war on Germany. As German armies marched through neutral Belgium on their way to France, Britain declared war on Germany. Long before, Britain promised to defend Belgium if they were attacked. What began as a local crisis in Bosnia exploded into a major war. -
Germany counterattacked the Russians at Tannenberg
Germany counterattacked the Russians at Tannenberg, it was a four day battle. The Germans ultimately won the battle because Russia lacked modern weaponry due to their absence of industrialization causing Russia to face enormous defeats. (the day above is the day that the battle started) -
Allies attack Germany at the first Battle of Marne
The Germans initiated the Schlieffen plan to seize Paris and ultimately have a quick victory to end the war. However, the allies held the German’s off at the Marne River and defeated the Germans chances of capturing Paris. The Battle of Marne was a significant event because the Schlieffen plan had failed and a fast victory to end the war was no longer viable. -
Ottoman Empire joined Central Powers
Ottoman Empire joined Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Ottoman Empire was the Turkish empire. When the Ottoman Empire joined the side of the Central Powers, opened up a third front for fighting. -
Allies launched the Gallipoli Campaign
The Gallipoli Campaign served two purposes, to capture Constantinople, and to provide a sea route through the Black Sea to Russia in order to supply weaponry and nourishment. The campaign backfired and it prompted Bulgaria to join Central Powers in September of 1915. -
Italy joined Allied Powers
Italy joined Allies after being promised Austrian lands. Italy was formerly part of the Central Powers but they had no obligation to fight on behalf of the Central Powers. According to their treaty, Italy only had to fight if Austria-Hungary and Germany were attacked defensively. However, since Germany and Austria-Hungary initiated the war, Italy was free to join the Allies. -
Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania
Geman U-Boats sunk British ship Lusitania leaving 1,198 people dead, including 128 US citizens. US president Wilson threatened to break off diplomatic relations if Germany did not stop sinking passenger ships. Germany did not want the Allies to be strengthened by drawing the United States into the war, so it agreed to restrict its submarine campaign. This agreement was called the Sussex Pledge and kept the United States out of the war a little longer. -
Germans attack Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme
Because of the nature of trench warfare, attacks were long and deadly. The Battle of Verdun lasted for ten long, bloody months, in 1914. The Germans lost 400,000 men trying to overrun French lines. The French lost even more lives defending their positions. A new weapon used on both sides was gas. Clouds of gas such as chlorine or mustard floated into the trenches, choking and blinding the soldiers. -
Germans annouced policy of unrestricted submarine warfare
In a desperate effort to break the Allied blockade, Germany decided to renew its submarine warfare. Germany warned neutral nations that their U-boats would have orders to sink any ships nearing Britain without warning, knowing the United States would probably join the war. Germany gambled that they would defeat Allied powers before American troops would reach Europe. Wilson broke off diplomatic relations with Germany in protest of Germany’s actions. -
U.S> intercepts the Zimmermann Note
A telegram from Arthur Zimmermann, Germany’s foreign secretary, to the German ambassador in Mexico was intercepted. The telegraph stated that the Germans would help Mexico recover some of their lost lands from the United States if Mexico would side with Germany in the war. More specifically, Germany urged Mexico to attack the United States if the US attacked Germany. When Americans heard about the Zimmermann telegram, feelings against Germany sored. -
Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany
United States enters the war on the side of the Allies. President Wilson went before Congress on this date to ask fro a declaration of war. His message to the American people was that entering this war was just and noble. United States planed to enter on the side of the Allies because of the economic ties it had to Great Britain. On April 6th, Wilson signed the declaration of war which thrust America into the deadliest war the world had seen at that point in time. -
Communist leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin seized power in Russia
Eight months after czar Nicholas abdicated his throne, communist leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin seized power in Russia. Lenin decided to withdraw Russia from the war. The outlook for the Allies grew even more bleak. -
Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ending the war in Russia. Lenin opposed the war because he believed it only benefited the ruling class. The treaty was harsh, requiring Russia to give up large amounts of land to Germany. The allies saw the treaty as a betrayal because Germany obtained coal mines and other valuable resources in Russia. Furthermore, Germany moved its armies away from Russia to support its armies in the western front in France. -
Allies and Germans fight second battle of the Marne
Germans launched another drive to take Paris. They pushed the Allies back until they came against American troops. After three days, the Allies, with American help, forced the Germans to retreat. Soon after Germany was defeated by the Allies at Marne, the Central Powers began to crumple. -
Kasier Wilhelm II forced to step down, Germany declared itself a republic
After the defeat of the Central Powers at the second Battle of Marne, the Central Powers began to crumble. On the brink of revolution, Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the throne and Germany declared itself a republic. -
German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice
A German representative from the new republic and Marshal Foch signed an armistice, an agreement to stop fighting. On Novemeber 11, 1918 at 11:00 in the morning, World War 1 finally came to an end. Although the fighting was over, it took several months to negotiate and propose a peace settlement.