Period: 1907 BCE to 1914 BCE
Around 1907 Germany started raising an Army, other nations saw this as an act of aggression and felt rivalry towards it and started raising there armies as well. Germany had a big rivalry with Britain, in fact Britain was the first to start raising there Army after Germany started raising there own, then soon after that all other nations joined in. This was a starting point that is leading towards World War 1. -
A lot had happened between the six major powers up to this point in time. There had been previous treaties that did not work out, and people were going to war so they had to start making decisions. I decided to skip to 1914 to the start of the war because this goes way back to 1862,you see my point as to why I skipped a few years.In the end the alliances became Britain, France, and Russia who became the Triple Entente. Then we got Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy that made triple alliance. -
Imperialism is when a great power like Russia, Germany, France...places like that take over smaller places. This honestly reminds me of a game called risk where the objective is to take over the world by taking other countries. This is probably where it came from, imperialism takes places and calls them colonies, these colonies each have people assigned to them to keep people in line and to guard it to make sure no other country takes it. These colonies are used for extending area and resources. -
Nationalism is basically extreme patriotism. This was a big war starter, this made people cocky. This made people very overconfident about there own country and military strength, it cause them to think bad thoughts toward other countries believing that there own country is righteous and correct unlike any others. Politicians did not stop this thought process, in fact some politicians believed in it and gave people false senses of security by saying that if war started they would definitely win. -
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie
This was the start of the War, Serbia was the abuser and Austria-Hungary was the abused. On this day Serbian Nationalist Nedjelko Cabrinovic threw a grenade at the car of Archduke Ferdinand and Sophie. It missed its mark and injured a police officer and and a civilian. Later that day an assassin by the name Gavrilo Princip who was a 19 year old boy who saw an opportunity and he shot Franz and Sophie in their own car at point-blank range. This started the war by Austria-Hungary blaming Serbia. -
Period: to
WW1 begins
So this war practically started with the assassination of Franz, which then led to Austria-Hungary declaring war with Serbia. Turkey then made a treaty of alliance with Germany, the day after Germany declared war on France. After that Germany invaded Belgium which then caused Britain to take action and declare war on Germany. Soon after that Austria-Hungary invaded Russia, this was just the first week and a half of a 4 year war, this was the start of something that changed the world. -
Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
A week after the assassination of of the Archduke, there was a lot of anger toward Serbia. Austria Hungary sent an envoy to Berlin to ask if they could have Germany's support no matter what decision was made, whether it be war or even if Russia was to intervene. Germany accepted these terms and decided to help Austria-Hungary making what was the Balkan war into a European war. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
Lusitania was an ocean liner going from New York to England, on the way there German U-boats torpedoed the Lusitania killing a little over 1100 people out of the 1900 that were on the Lusitania. Nearly 100 of the deceased were Americans, at this point in time the United States was not in the war but this definitely caused a large amount of people to go against Germany. -
Period: to
Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram was a telegram sent to Mexico by Germany telling Mexico that they could have part of the United States if they joined Germany's cause. United States intercepted this telegram and they deciphered it in January and waited a couple weeks before telling Woodrow Wilson on February 24, 1917. Woodrow Wilson decided they had to take action and the United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917 bringing the United States into this war. -
Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
After the events of the Lusitania the United States president Woodrow Wilson sent a letter to the Germany government convincing them to stop with there naval warfare. Germany had to go along with it at the time but two years later on January 31, 1917 Bethmann Hollweg announced that naval warfare would resume in front of the German government. On February 1, 1917 naval warfare had resumed and led to the start of the United States joining the war. -
US entry into the war and her impact on it
The United States entered the war for a couple reasons, one being the Zimmerman telegram, and the other being the fact that Germany resumed their naval attacks. The United States had a big impact in WW1, one being the fact that it was feared. The United states had not been in the war so they lost hardly anyone in their army, they also progressed and industrialized steel meaning they were able to make a lot of dangerous things and have been making dangerous things for this occasion. -
Effects of World War 1
There were 65 million people mobilized, 8.5 million killed, 21 million injured, 7.7 million PoW's missing, and 37 million total casualties...meaning that 57% of the people mobilized were killed. The new countries formed were Poland, Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Estonia. Now of course there are no winners in war but the three countries who came out on top were the United States, Russia, and France who had been allies, the main loser was Germany. -
Treaty of Versailles
Germany had almost no say in the treaty of Versailles, due to this treaty Germany had lost a lot of its colonies, and it was limited. It got limited to only having an army of 100,000...as well as being forbidden to use tanks as well as air forces, they also limited their vessels to being under 10 tons. -
Dawes Plan and Young Plan
The Dawes plan made US banks pay Germany 200 million dollars to pay reparation payments to France and the United Kingdom, which France and the United Kingdom used to pay back the United States war debts. The Young plan reduced the amount owned by Germany 121 billion gold marks, and made it to where foreign agencies did not have to watch over Germany, along with Germany getting there land back and a national bank that was made to keep hold of reparations. -
Period: to
The great depression
I do not understand the great depression, I have done a lot of research and from what I gather is that on October 24, 1929 12.9 million shares were traded that day, and 5 days later 16 million shares were traded that day. These were known as Black Thursday and Black Tuesday. This is what caused the stock market to crash, the great depression was a direct effect because of this, over the next few years, investments dropped, half of the banks throughout the USA failed and millions lost jobs. -
Rise of Hitler
Hitler was a man who hated how Germany was after the loss of World War 1, He led a group called the Nazi Party that appealed to the unemployed and the youths of Germany. He tried to get pulled into the government in 1924 but only won 3% of the vote. In 1932 they won 33% of the vote and Hitler rose to being chancellor, leader of Germany. This massive amount power was given to the most despicable of men and well...we all saw how things turned out from there.