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World War 1

  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • Austria declares war

    Austria declares war
    Austria declares war on Serbia and attacks on 7\28\1914
  • Russia declares War

    Russia declares war on Austria 7\30\1914
  • Germany declares war on Russia and Serbia

    Germany declares war on Russia and Serbia
    Germany declares war on Russia and Serbia on August 1 1914
  • Another country declares War.

    Another country declares War.
    Britain declaring war on Germany
  • Sinking of a U.S. Ship

    Sinking of a U.S. Ship
    Sinking of the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a passenger ship traveling between Britain and the US.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The British intercepted a telegraph from Germany’s Foreign Secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, to Mexico’s ambassador. The telegram offered Mexico a proposal for military alliance. Germany lured Mexico in with the promise that if the US entered the war and lost
  • The U.S. gets involved

    The U.S. gets involved
    Soon after the Zimmerman telegram was given to the the U.S. President Wilson asks Congress to make the decision to join the War.
  • The War comes to a close!!!!!!

    The War comes to a close!!!!!!
    This as known as Armistice day because it was the day Germany signed an armistice. ( Peace agrement )
  • The Treaty Of Versailles

    The Treaty Of Versailles
    This was when Europe was blamed for everything