World War 1

  • Nationalism

    Nationalism is having extreme loyalty towards your country. This was very popular during WWI and was one of the causes of this war. It caused the citizens to feel righteous and that their country wasn't to blame for the war. It also caused the people to despise other countries for "causing" this war.
  • Alliances

    There were many alliances between Russia, Britain, and France. If one of the allies declared war first than the countries had to fight which was important. Finally the three countries didn't want to sign for peace seperately.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism is when a country takes over new lands or countries and makes them follow their rules. Britain and France had a lot of control over new land which angered Germany because Germany came late to taking over new pieces of land.
  • Militarism

    Militarism was one of the causes of the WWI. It is when the military are given high profiles from the government. Germany and Britain were fighting over the sea. The British created an effective battleship and the Germans introduced their own battleships and they decided that if Russia attacks Germany that they would make a plan to fight back.
  • Archduke & his Wife

    Archduke & his Wife
    A man by the name of Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand and his wife to death due to greediness of the throne. This casues Austria to declare war but it was delayed. Within 1 week Britain, France, Siberia were willing to fight against Austria and Germany. This started World War 1. This was also the same year that the blank check was distributed.
  • WW1 Begins

    WW1 Begins
    Great Britain didn't want to ignore the fact that Germany attacked France through Belgium and so they finally declared war on Germany. The entire time everything was happening Great Britain was kind of isolated from Europe because they didn't really want to have to declare war just yet. But, they finally couldn't take it any longer so they decided to fight.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    Germany sent warning in the newspaper reminding the people that they were going to Britain at their own risk. No one canceled their trips though. The captain thought it was a joke but soon after the boat left 1,198 people were killed. Germany shot a torpedo towards the boat and thats is how the people were killed. Because of this submarine warfar America finally enters into the war.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    This was a letter, written in code, from German foreign secretary to the German ambassador to form alliance with Mexico just in case the U.S. decides to declare war on Germany.
  • U.S. Entry to WW1

    U.S. Entry to WW1
    The United Stes has the most powerful army and for them to enter the war it gave Germany no chance to win. The U.S. helped other troops with resources and training. It gave Germany no other choice but to just sing the armistice.
  • Effects of WW1

    Effects of WW1
    Techonology and modern warfare was changed forever. They were more up to date and advanced. Germany, Turkey, Austria, and Russia took a downfall and Germany had to pay for reparations. While the war was going on the ladies had to take care of buisnesses but when they returned they had to get everything situated back to normal. Having peace worldwide became a huge concept because of all of the bitterness among the nations.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty officially ended World War 1 but it also caused WW2 because the Germans cancelled their payments for reparation.
  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    Hitelr was just discharged from the hospital and was left in control of the German army where he then began to work on his plan. He began mentioning ideas of his new Nazi party but some of the people didn't like it. He felt like this party was payback for losing the war. Finally he gained full control of the army men and continued to follow through with his whole Nazi mindset.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Investors accidentally traded some shares worth 16 million dollars to the New York Stock Exchange and that event led to the Great Depression. Many people lost their jobs and became unemployed. The prices were getting higher and higher to make up for the lost money but eventually fell back down because it was causing the people to be devestated.